Patch Notes - 2024 November 12

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Patch Notes - 2024 November 12

Post by Kandarin »

Game Mechanics
  • Requesting a Blessing from an Advocate or Relic no longer costs AP.
  • Oils of the corresponding element may now be spent as Enchanting resources, if the appropriate Potion is not present in the enchanter's inventory. If both are present, the Potion will be spent first.
  • Attacking a Hidden person now has a chance to make a random person in the area who was not aware of the hidden person aware of the hidden person via witnessing the attack. Pet attacks also will do this, but with a lower chance. This does not remove Hiding, only draw attention to one's hiding place. Only characters who are not themselves hidden will receive this awareness.
  • Font uses by font creators will no longer appear in the dropdown of targets for bars and traps, preventing players from spending MP and AP on bars and traps that will do nothing.
  • Shuffled the Garden of Elysium squad composition to drop the largest Baraas squad (which never populated) and add a few new Alonai squads.
  • Late edit - Hand to Hand Martial arts weapon Tonfa added. Deals impact damage. Found in museums or craftable.
Quality of Life and Interface
  • The option to activate enchantments on weapons will now only exist if the weapons need enchantment i.e. their duration has run out. Activated items will still appear in the interface but without a dropdown to activate them. If all your enchants are activated, the enchanting pane will still exist but be empty.
  • Consuming Blood Ice and Potions of Healing now tells you how much HP it healed.
  • The interface no longer tells you when someone landed from flying if that someone is invisible.
  • Unbroken Bond will not trigger if the only weapons the prayer recipient is carrying are Grenades.
Major Bugs
  • Corrected an issue that was sometimes causing the AP tick to fail processing completely.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible for a font creator to get barred out of using their own font if the number of bars exceeded the MP cost of what they were trying to do. A Mechanics change above should prevent the underlying situation where this mattered.
  • Fixed an issue where ley lines would not propagate correctly and in some circumstances persisted uselessly past the death of their corresponding Font.
  • Fixed an issue where it was possible under some circumstances for Aethersprites to heal your own alts.
  • Halloween pets should now be subject to auras.
  • Arcane Marksman's Unholy Shot just wasn't working at all.
  • Exempted Passive Regeneration, Blessings stored by an Advocate and a few other (mostly hidden) things where a status effect is used to store under-the-hood information from incorrectly adding to the damage bonuses of Covetous Spite.
Minor Bugs
  • Corrected an error the happens in rare cases where a character finds an item but there are no items to be found.
  • Fixed some rare errors while sending specific game messages.
  • Corrected Epsilon bay door issue where the portal acted like the lever.
  • Fixed missing skills in global skill statistics listing.
  • Fixed occasional incorrect area status effect sources for some characters information display.
  • Electrify Blade wasn't going away when an angel lost angelhood due to morality loss.
  • Fixed an interaction where Infernal Behemoths could use Blood Ice while Blood Cursed and not consume the item.
  • The interface should now display correctly in situations where a door to an interior does not exist at all.
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