Patch Notes - 2024 July 11

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Patch Notes - 2024 July 11

Post by Kandarin »

Game Mechanics
  • Malls and Walk-In Closets have a bunch of new condition/material categories.
Quality of Life and Interface
  • The timer between character Release and Reset has been dropped from 24 hours to one hour.
  • Added Stygian Murder Wasps to the Pets pre-nickname menu.
  • Buying an upgraded Holy Champion Cloak removes the basic cloak from the activation dropdown, as there's never a reason to use the basic cloak when you have something better for the same price.
  • Holy Champions now have an option in the Aspects and Cloaks dropdowns to deactivate all of their MP-upkeep-requiring stuff at once. This is part of the dropdown so it isn't one easily-fumbled click.
  • Bionic Hands have aspect flavor text now.
Major Bugs
  • Fixed an issue where Spelltraps and Lead Paint could be expended vs castings outside the stronghold.
  • Fixed an epic bug where the Conduit Endgame allowed time travel back to the world of Breath 3.
  • Fixed an issue where having Cloak of the Ineffable Sea didn't cause the cloak to appear in the dropdown - only Cloak of the Ineffable Breeze did. Ineffable Breeze is such a great skill that any Holy Champion probably bought it before Ineffable Sea, but this bug still rendered Ineffable Sea unusable if someone somehow bought it on its own.
  • Pilgrim Redeemed weren't paying HP for Target Shooting with Spells.
  • Statuses that auto-renew should now properly do so without (silently) disappearing over time.
  • Fixed an issue where Stygian Fury wasn't doing the intended amount of damage.
Minor Bugs
  • Fixed a hilarious edge case where if you were a Helmet of Justice user who deflected Minor Poison from a Plague Rat, you would be told that you originated the poison. One side effect of the fix is that the originating Revenant will now be told when this sort of thing happens, but no one is likely to mind that.
  • Fixed an issue where Overclock wasn't dropping when a Seraph lost Good Morality.
  • Sense Morality detection of the Champion of Malice was working in X coordinates but was not in Y coordinates.
  • Corrected incorrect Stygian Fury per-target damage to be level/2 instead of level
  • Pets that can't be rejuvenated can now be inspected for stats, just like rejuvenable pets. (Click or tap the pet's HP/MP/AP to see this information)
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