For general discussion about the game that doesn't really delve into Mechanics (see the "Mechanics Discussion" section). In Out-of-Character discussion, you are expected to be courteous to others.
I've popped back in after uh... a lot of years? It's certainly been a long time! I once fought with the Knights of St. Germaine, then with Oblivion Squadron after the world revolved a few times.
Hello! I'm returning after quite a long break - I was a Nexus War player back in the day, but I think I only played the first breath in Clash, so I'm looking forward to seeing what's new!
Welcome back you two. Make sure to pop in on the Discord to get some grounding
Sunset Shimmer attacked you with a Frozen Gauntlet and hit for 62 points of holy damage. She was hiding! This attack was charged with righteous wrath! Their body strained with holy resolve as they added physical power to this attack! (2021-11-22)