A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

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A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Thalanor »

Nice to witness interactions that play out without anyone even knowing you were there, since you just went into hiding for an entire AP cycle and did not expect anything in your message history when you log back in.

Today I learned that the counterpart of angels are doomers. TIL. This should have been taught back in school! Also, ancient body armor is not quite comfortable unless it grows on your body.

Code: Select all

- You attempt to hide. You think you are hidden. (2021-12-13 08:52:28).
- Suddenly, the lights drop off. The power has been cut! (2021-12-13 13:11:43).
- GreatCatatonic repaired the door! (2021-12-13 15:58:25).
- a small cloaked girl said, "uwaaaah~" (2021-12-13 16:49:36).
- Cerce said, "Indeed weird doomers" (2021-12-13 16:49:49).
- Cerce said, "Ooo...uh hi" (2021-12-13 16:49:57).
- a small cloaked girl said, "ah, look what kind of box you've put yourself in now.." (2021-12-13 16:49:59).
- Cerce said, "....yes" (2021-12-13 16:50:13).
- Cerce said, "This is the Cerce luck" (2021-12-13 16:50:26).
- Cerce waves hands angrily at the sky (2021-12-13 16:50:53).
- Akeldama has exploded in a violent flash of hatred and hellfire, spraying heat and gore everywhere. You take 5 points of fire damage. 5 characters and/or pets were affected by this attack. 1 character was killed, Orgasmatron. (2021-12-13 16:51:38).
- a small cloaked girl attacked Akeldama with a Pistol , killing her! (2021-12-13 16:51:38).
- Cerce said, "I'm gonna smite you from up der one day" (2021-12-13 16:51:41).
- Cerce said, "Huh dat missed" (2021-12-13 16:51:56).
- a small cloaked girl said, "AH~!! SMITE??" (2021-12-13 16:51:59).
- a small cloaked girl said, "BUWAP! PARAP!! PAPOW~!!" (2021-12-13 16:52:11).
- a small cloaked girl attacked Cerce with a Pistol , killing her! (2021-12-13 16:52:15).
- a small cloaked girl said, "wuah~ i saved you mister man, but probably not for long, uuuuhuhuhuhu~" (2021-12-13 16:52:44).
- a small cloaked girl said, "find a home for this metalfriend~" (2021-12-13 17:03:04).
- a small cloaked girl said, "uwaaaah~" (2021-12-13 17:05:06).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Oh, you're awake." (2021-12-13 17:05:42).
- a small cloaked girl said, "awoke is me~!" (2021-12-13 17:06:12).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Have some sunglasses." (2021-12-13 17:06:15).
- a small cloaked girl clunks around in a circle as if wearing a miniature suit of armor (2021-12-13 17:06:36).
- a small cloaked girl plunks the sunglasses on upside down outside of the cloak (2021-12-13 17:07:13).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Have some sunglasses." (2021-12-13 17:07:35).
- Fleur Cwystrid fixes the sunglasses so they're right side up. (2021-12-13 17:08:14).
- a small cloaked girl seems oblivious to this and/or slightly winded from overly exuberant clunking (2021-12-13 17:08:52).
- Fleur Cwystrid seems mildly puzzled by the small cloaked figure's antics. (2021-12-13 17:10:14).
- a small cloaked girl said, "behold..!!" (2021-12-13 17:11:48).
- a small cloaked girl awkwardly points a rifle up and pulls the trigger (2021-12-13 17:12:02).
- a small cloaked girl said, "they stop being loud when they run out of brass bits!" (2021-12-13 17:12:30).
- Fleur Cwystrid covers her ears in response. (2021-12-13 17:12:59).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Oh, here I was thinking you were still loaded." (2021-12-13 17:13:26).
- a small cloaked girl said, "well i still have one brass loudness left!" (2021-12-13 17:14:33).
- a small cloaked girl attacked GreatCatatonic with a Pistol , killing him! (2021-12-13 17:14:39).
- a small cloaked girl said, "oh whoops...... nevermind" (2021-12-13 17:14:47).
- Fleur Cwystrid does a double take between the pistol and the corpse, ears ringing from the shot. (2021-12-13 17:16:11).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Well that was unexpected." (2021-12-13 17:16:31).
- a small cloaked girl 's metallic undercarriage takes a moment to stop chiming from the revolver's backblast (2021-12-13 17:17:15).
- a small cloaked girl said, "at least im not a winger again, the voices would yell at me lots for that one!" (2021-12-13 17:17:47).
- Fleur Cwystrid sticks her pinky in her ear to try and stop the ringing, hearing muffled clanking beyond that. (2021-12-13 17:19:46).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Huh, winger? Voices?" (2021-12-13 17:20:56).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "/mutters something about the strangeness of the figure before her." (2021-12-13 17:21:37).
- a small cloaked girl said, "floofy floofy wingy-dingies~ the aaaaaangels... and their counterparts in the great box of conflict - the doomers!" (2021-12-13 17:22:57).
- Fleur Cwystrid seems to come to a sudden realization. (2021-12-13 17:25:39).
- a small cloaked girl probably causes that effect a lot (2021-12-13 17:26:41).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Is that what this all is. A trial between angels and, er, "doomers"." (2021-12-13 17:26:42).
- Fleur Cwystrid gives herself a quick look over, stating quietly, "Explains the meatsuit." (2021-12-13 17:28:15).
- a small cloaked girl said, "i brought many metals to an esteemed creation friend who made me that which is durable and blocks out the big hurtball in the sky~!!" (2021-12-13 17:33:27).
- a small cloaked girl said, "and clunks a lot and stuff too, uhu~" (2021-12-13 17:33:39).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "You definitely have a way with words." (2021-12-13 17:34:26).
- Fleur Cwystrid tries to give the figure a closer look, noticing she can't see beneath the cloak. (2021-12-13 17:39:12).
- a small cloaked girl said, "well, sometimes you just got to figure things out for yourself, especially when nobody's around wuah.." (2021-12-13 17:40:40).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Fair enough." (2021-12-13 17:47:38).
- a small cloaked girl clunks and clinks in place repeatedly (2021-12-13 17:50:09).
- Fleur Cwystrid said, "Fair enough." (2021-12-13 17:50:26).
- a small cloaked girl said, "so hard to carry stuff with all this on wuaaaaaahhh~~ but need shooty things!!" (2021-12-13 17:50:30).
- (2 times) Fleur Cwystrid seems to take a bit of joy in the clanking. "Well, it was fun, but I need to find some target practice that isn't so cute." (2021-12-13 17:51:56).
- a small cloaked girl said, "and metal resistant~!" (2021-12-13 17:53:48).
- Fleur Cwystrid pauses, finger to her lips. "I guess if we ever cross paths again, I'll give you any small shooty things I find." (2021-12-13 17:54:00).
- a small cloaked girl flutters a sleeve with a clacking of plate joints together (2021-12-13 17:54:27).
- a small cloaked girl said, "i am both protected and weakened to the power of loudmakers in here~" (2021-12-13 17:54:54).
- Fleur Cwystrid rethinks her exit and crouches in front of the cloaked figure. "I guess you're heavily armored under there with all that clinking around." (2021-12-13 17:57:28).
- a small cloaked girl gives you a light metallic bop before speeding away with a set of loud clanks! (2021-12-13 17:59:16).
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Nayru »

the strife of wingers and doomers forever under the big hurtball in the sky is truly poetry in motion in this boxy world

here's what happened outside from a massively louder than usual girl's pov (the world isn't ready for fullplate cloaker)

Code: Select all

- You say, "uwaaaah~" (2021-12-13 16:44:46).
- Akeldama said, "We thank them for this gift!" (2021-12-13 16:44:51).
- You open the door. (2021-12-13 16:44:52).
- A doctor said, "This truely is a tragedy" (2021-12-13 16:44:52).
- Cerce said, "Yes but we can heal you" (2021-12-13 16:44:55).
- Cerce said, "Oh" (2021-12-13 16:44:59).
- You emote, " flits about haphazardly" (2021-12-13 16:45:14).
- Cerce said, "This has become a party" (2021-12-13 16:45:17).
- Akeldama said, "Yes! Put the blood back in her!" (2021-12-13 16:45:18).
- A doctor gave you a(n) Concussion Grenade. (2021-12-13 16:45:35). FALSELY DONE
- Akeldama said, "Then we can take it back out!" (2021-12-13 16:45:40).
- You say, "uwah. cant heal doomers!!" (2021-12-13 16:45:58).
- Akeldama claps. "Pretty grenade! Will keep! Thank you for sharing this!" (2021-12-13 16:46:21).
- Akeldama said, "Little girl! Do you want to share too?" (2021-12-13 16:47:31).
- Cerce said, "Has become chilly I will run along now" (2021-12-13 16:47:51).
- You emote, " tilts her head, making an odd metallic 'chunk' sound" (2021-12-13 16:47:55).
- Akeldama waves goodbye. (2021-12-13 16:48:04).
- Cerce said, "Its great meeting new friends" (2021-12-13 16:48:07).
- You say, "weird doomers~" (2021-12-13 16:48:20).
- Akeldama said, "Spread message! All will share!" (2021-12-13 16:48:26).
- You write uwaaaah~ in black marker. (2021-12-13 16:49:27). 
- You say, "Oh my me." (2022-01-30 03:41:07).
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Srekto »

Melisandre got to see a goddess of vengeance in action.

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- Morrighan morphed into the form of a bat and took flight. (2022-01-13 16:16:06).
- Morrighan attacked Evilsbane with an Umbral Sword , killing him! (2022-01-13 16:15:58).
- Morrighan said, "Melisandre close your eyes sweetie, Im about to do something awful" (2022-01-13 16:15:27).
- Morrighan attacked Black Gold Of The Sun with an Umbral Sword , killing him! (2022-01-13 16:14:55).
- Morrighan said, "HE WAS SIX DAYS FROM RETIREMENT" (2022-01-13 16:14:36).
- Morrighan said, "WIFE AND KIDS" (2022-01-13 16:14:28).
- Morrighan grabs Black Gold and says "BOB BAKER HAD A FAMILY" (2022-01-13 16:14:21).
- Morrighan morphed out of the form of a flying bat and has now landed. (2022-01-13 16:14:04). 
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Soreen »

Saccharine was able to observe a fellow Council member's attempt to teach a Spinosaurus the importance of proper nutrition.
- Spinosaurus said, "Grawr!" (2022-01-15 16:24:48).
- Peter Kropotkin Jr. said, "Oh jeez" (2022-01-15 16:25:07).
- Peter Kropotkin Jr. said, "A dinosaur in the hospital, IS THIS WHAT NEXAL HEALTHCARE HAS COME TO" (2022-01-15 16:26:36).
- Spinosaurus said, "Grawr?" (2022-01-15 16:26:46).
- Spinosaurus has a Ph. Dino (2022-01-15 16:27:17).
- Peter Kropotkin Jr. explains at length the nutritional benefits of an all angel diet (2022-01-15 16:28:59).
- Spinosaurus just wants one more magebite (2022-01-15 16:30:40).
- (2 times) Peter Kropotkin Jr. pulls out chart showing why demons are actually a close second to angels in terms of health benefits, both holy and unholy water contains electrolytes! (2022-01-15 16:31:19).
- Spinosaurus tries to encumbered you to prevent swift flight (2022-01-15 16:34:31).
- Peter Kropotkin Jr. thanks Spinosaurus graciously for the soul ice and slowly backs away into a supply closet (2022-01-15 16:35:31).
- Spinosaurus has levelled up! (2022-01-15 16:45:21).
- Spinosaurus attacked Peter Kropotkin Jr. with a Blood Claws , killing her! (2022-01-15 16:45:21).
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Goliath »

- (2 times) Peter Kropotkin Jr. pulls out chart showing why demons are actually a close second to angels in terms of health benefits, both holy and unholy water contains electrolytes! (2022-01-15 16:31:19).
I believe it's air Elementalists and electric Wizards who have the most electrolytes.
A Parrot with a Blade - Melee/Touchcaster Holy Champion || GrayScimitar - Heavy Sword Tlac IB || RustyWire - Gunwiz
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Thenixon »

Old predators know to stay out of the Stygian streets at night, but Spinosaurus was witness to a hit-and-run:

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 - a custom 1974 Panther De Ville, a Wrackwyrm, belonging to Cruella de Vil, attacked The Nameless, killing them! (2022-01-29 02:13:43).
- Cruella de Vil runs you over in her car. (2022-01-29 02:12:57). 
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Soreen »

Salmonella got front row seats to IB fight club.
- With a tremendous roar, Garden burst from the ground in a jet of unholy flames. She has returned from the dead! (2022-03-01 17:56:47).
- Kharn the Betrayer said, "BILIOUS, UNHOLY RAGE." (2022-03-01 18:20:00).
- Kharn the Betrayer said, "WE LOVE IT." (2022-03-01 18:20:05).
- George Costanza said, "Hahah, yes! Beat him in the corner!" (2022-03-01 20:52:46).
- George Costanza said, "IB fight club! Three beefy dudes enter the Stygian octagon, one(?) exits!" (2022-03-01 20:53:11).
- Garden has exploded in a violent flash of hatred and hellfire, spraying heat and gore everywhere. You were caught in the attack but managed to avoid injury. 3 characters and/or pets were affected by this attack. (2022-03-01 20:54:01).
- George Costanza attacked Garden with a Cat of Nine Tails , killing her! (2022-03-01 20:54:02).
- George Costanza said, "WATCH OUT, KHARN, I'M BETRAYING YOU!" (2022-03-01 20:54:20).
- George Costanza attacked Kharn the Betrayer with a Cat of Nine Tails , killing him! (2022-03-01 20:55:35).
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Soreen »

Twilight Sparkle approves of violence in the name of books.
- Irya Devir said, "Never thought all those stolen books would come back to haunt you, HUH?!" (2022-04-04 15:01:38).
- Irya Devir said, "Consider this the fury of every librarian ever." (2022-04-04 15:02:01).
- Irya Devir attacked Carmilla with a Razor Wings , killing her! (2022-04-04 15:02:06).
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by SaltedSalmon »

After submitting a typo report:
- The Universal Traveler disappeared from view. (2022-04-07 23:27:20).
- The Universal Traveler said, "Words." (2022-04-07 23:27:37).
- The Universal Traveler looks at the tile description, "That's better!" (2022-04-07 23:28:18).
- Suddenly, with an inexplicable silence, The Universal Traveler fades away into nothingness, as though they were never there. (2022-04-07 23:28:32).
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Re: A Fly on the Wall (witnessed interactions while hidden)

Post by Khaze »

- The shadows here seem to distort and bend at eerie angles as a chill and eerily soft breeze passes through the area.
- The form of Hex seemed to warp and flicker for a moment before appearing to melt into the shadows.

... 8 hours later ...
- The shadows here seem to distort and bend at eerie angles as a chill and eerily soft breeze passes through the area.
- The form of Hex seemed to warp and flicker for a moment before appearing to melt into the shadows.

... 9 hours later ...
- The shadows here seem to distort and bend at eerie angles as a chill and eerily soft breeze passes through the area.
- (4 times) The form of Hex seemed to warp and flicker for a moment before appearing to melt into the shadows.

... 40 minutes later ...
- Coron said, "You have decided to serve the darkness as a void walker. Time to start your journey!"
- Hex has exploded in a violent flash of hatred and hellfire, spraying heat and gore everywhere. You take 29 points of fire damage. 2 characters and/or pets were affected by this attack.
- Coron attacked Hex with a Pistol , killing him! Their body crumbles away to dust.
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