Ley line reorientation makes an additional line (old orientation tappable but invisible on map)

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Ley line reorientation makes an additional line (old orientation tappable but invisible on map)

Post by squib »

I have noticed on my font master, squib id=13684, that after moving the orientation of a ley line the line splits into two ley lines. one line visibly moves after the tick as it should, then the previous leyline orientation persists in the text on each square but is not shown on the overworld map. You can tap these persistent lines the same as it the line wasn't moved. It is something that I've seen all over Cordellia.

here is a case study. I show this one in fairness as it's one that greatly benefits squib, but there are many cases of it going against squib's wishes. If we have to do a case by case fix. I am happy to send squib bug-hunting.

Squib has been in a war with the port hope line masters for a few months. Playfully turning their leylines to benefit squib, then they turn them back. But two of them have persisted. I show this one in fairness as it's one that greatly benefits squib, but there are many cases of it going against squib.

first up:
This image shows Lines from Silverfall and Springs of Ligma emanating from the east in the text. but they are not shown on the overworld map. You can tap both lines from this square.

Springs of Ligma:
This image shows that the line from Springs of Ligma is actually emanating to the west. Squib had moved it weeks ago. But the locals moved it back to its original orientation of west.
Also It shows that the Silverfall line is emanating from the east in the text.

This image shows Silverfall line actually emanates to the north.

Oh lol, squib missed their call. Gotta hide out. Good luck out there font users. a Squib is in your area.
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Re: Ley line reorientation makes an additional line (old orientation tappable but invisible on map)

Post by Stoopkid »

I can confirm this bug. I have noticed two invisible leylines - The Hot Box and Juggling Quagmire, and I can see Juggling Quagmire's visible line going a completely different route. I can edit in some screenshots to this post later when I'm out and about on my WM
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Re: Ley line reorientation makes an additional line (old orientation tappable but invisible on map)

Post by Weirdomen »

Can also confirm; I reoriented a font yesterday, and the old ley line is invisible but it exists.
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Re: Ley line reorientation makes an additional line (old orientation tappable but invisible on map)

Post by plscks »

I'm fairly certain that the correction for this has been deployed in the latest update: 2024 November 12 update. Thank you for the reports and confirmations, apologies that it took so long to get looked at.
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