Patch Notes - 2024 June 20

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Patch Notes - 2024 June 20

Post by Kandarin »

Game Mechanics
  • Drinking Vials of Acid now heals Wyrm Masters for a somewhat random amount.
  • Since their behavior after going free (or their actions to go free!) is decidedly un-Good, Wraiths that go free cannot retain Good morality. They will revert to the lower of their current morality or zero, becoming Neutral at best.
  • Crimson Gladius gets 150% damage vs Fortifications and Doors.
  • Seraphim with Greater Smite can toggle their Incendia Conicio to deal Holy damage. Seraphim with Arc Lightning may toggle their Incendia Conicio to deal Electric damage. These changes will impact both the direct-fire and area-attack modes of the Incendia Conicio.
  • The Holy Champion's Holy Radiance and aspects (including the Revenant's Aspect of the Netherworld) now have a starting duration of 15 minutes, to match the Holy Champion's Cloaks.
  • Advocate Blessings automatically block characters in Hostile and Enemy factions.
  • Active Infusion can now be done indoors.
Quality of Life and Interface
  • Characters with Acute Sensitivity now get a dropdown to choose between a wide-ranged (7x7) Angel Hunter or Demon Tracker scan and a narrow (5x5) scan, instead of defaulting to 7x7. This should hopefully make Acute Sensitivity more worthwhile.
  • The Fallen's Dark Aura now tells the Fallen and grants pet kill XP and stats when the Dark Aura is responsible for an attacking pet despawning.
  • You can now view your current Phasing chance in your character page. Unlike other forms of Defense, this is only visible if it's your own character.
Major Bugs
  • Cruorblight now properly lasts 24 hours instead of 24 minutes.
  • Pet attacks vs free Wraiths now always count as attacks vs an Evil being, even if the Wraith went free from a Good or Neutral Lich. This functionality has existed for a long time (years?) for direct attacks, and its absence from pet attacks was an oversight.
Minor Bugs
  • Made some changes that should constrain Chain Gremlins to only live on the Chains again.
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