Patch Notes - 2024 March 14

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Patch Notes - 2024 March 14

Post by Kandarin »

Game Mechanics
  • Infernal Behemoth - Whip of Suffering: Maximum self-healing while using Whip of Suffering to attack is now capped at 6 points (same as Blood Claws/Taste) Note: This should be considered a provisional change as it is being monitored by the development team in an attempt to determine whether or not additional changes - which may include reverting this change - need to be made for the purposes of Game Balance. If this change moves from provisional to permanent that will be announced in a future changelog.
  • Elementalist: Elementalists may no longer summon pets of diametrically opposed types (e.g., having an active fire pet precludes the summoning of a water pet and vice versa; similarly earth and air pets cannot coexist under the same master.)
  • Destructive Blow is now a 40 CP Redeemed, Doom Howler and Void Walker skill. Having it as an Infernal Behemoth skill was leading to lopsided bashpower in conjunction with this class' other advantages. Everyone who had it as a Pariah or Penitent skill has had it refunded.
  • Nexus Champions with Tattoo of the Mystic Shafts may now toggle their Origami Bow between Slashing and Arcane instead of being locked into Arcane permanently. This costs 3 MP (as with other classes’ weapon toggles) and the chosen damage type will persist between summonings of the Origami Bow.
  • Angel NPCs who respawn near angels now have a bit more randomness to their respawn HP.
  • Council of Keys usurpation kills can now be performed with spell-type weapons such as Rods of Magic, the Codex Mortis and the Psionic Actualizer.
  • Participating in a successful hunt on a true Boss pet (such as the Void Leviathan or Queen of Ice) counts as a Miniboss Kill for stat purposes.
  • Added a new Advocate skill, Part the Veil, a 90 CP child skill of Sublime Sacrifice:
    - When an Advocate with this skill manually activates a Sublime Sacrifice, they are able to resurrect dead Good characters whose bodies lie in the area, miraculously restored to life by the power of the Advocate's righteous, selfless sacrifice. Sublime Sacrifice healings triggered when the Advocate is killed by taking damage will not trigger this effect - the sacrifice must be voluntary.
    - Resurrections consume (and are limited by the number of) Blessings in the Advocate's personal (non-Relic) pool of Blessings.
    - Each Lesser Blessing is worth 10 character levels of resurrections. Intermediate blessings are worth 150% of this amount and Greater blessings 200%. Both Blessing capacity and target level are rounded up to the nearest 10. For example, an Advocate with a pool of six lesser blessings would be able to resurrect 60 levels of Good beings, or two Tier 3 characters per sacrifice.
    - Characters resurrected will be restored to full HP at the site where they fell, removing their corpse in the process. This works similarly in function (though not philosophy!) to Dark Priesthood resurrections performed by a Dark Oppressor.
    - Blessings consumed by Part the Veil are used up and are not available to be distributed via Blessing of the Martyr, but Blessing of the Martyr will distribute blessings as normal if any are left over after resurrections have been done.
  • Participating in a successful hunt on a true Boss pet counts as a Miniboss Kill for stat purposes.
Quality of Life and Interface
  • Enchant types applied with Wonderworking are now heavily tilted in favor of the element of the last spell the Archmage cast, instead of being fully randomized between eligible elements. This includes some utility/buff spells.
  • Enchanted grenades, which have never needed enchant activation to get their damage benefits, now no longer appear in the interface list of enchanted items to activate.
  • Consuming holiday item puppies and kittens now counts as a morality loss and tells the surrounding area about your atrocity.
  • "Gold" is now a material type for Mall (and Walk-in Closet) clothes.
Major Bugs
  • Fixed the Wind Speech function of Cloak of Winds Immanence.
  • Fixed mortals not respawning close to their strongholds.
  • Hidden Electricity used via Master of Hidden Energy was doing unsoakable damage.
Minor Bugs
  • VWs with the appropriate skill will now auto-hide after messing with power cables.
  • Fixed an issue where Call Demons actions weren't displaying summon duration properly.
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