For general discussion about the game that doesn't really delve into Mechanics (see the "Mechanics Discussion" section). In Out-of-Character discussion, you are expected to be courteous to others.
Got a terrible idea for a Nexus skill? Leave them here and I'll bag them up at the curb.
Here's a couple from the Discord:
jelly_M00n wrote:meta infuse: the more you passive infuse the more your other combat skills gradually do less but instead starts to double passive infuse
Lychwood wrote:The Pen is Mightier: Gain an infinitely stacking +1 dmg bonus for each chalk drawing you do Vox Populus: Cause passive infusion through speech. Doubled if you are an Archon. Quadrupled while under the effects of Rapturous Chant Waste Not: Gain supplemental holy damage equivalent to the total number of holy books on the ground throughout Nexus when the attack is procced
YFNH wrote:Pay2Win: +1 goat psychic damage on all attacks for each unidled character you have
Infernal Bowel Syndrome: IB ability, 60 CP child of Burning Aura. The IB now suffers from debilitating alimentary problems, manifested explosively for 15/150 AOE Fire Damage plus 50% chance of Minor Poison vs all in the same tile. Randomly triggered 25% chance by expenditure of MP.
Heavenly Banishment: EH ability, 90 CP child of Harbinger of Death. Evil (or Neutral with HoZ) characters killed by the EH whilst under the Harbinger status are banished to the Released Characters section of the players account.
Chariot of Injustice: A Corruptor who has control of four Wheel of Injustice along with one other superpet, they can transform their pets into a Chariot of Injustice. Doing so gives them the same movement discount as Ether Stepping / Feet of the Wind and moving over the tile of any other character has all five pets make a single attack.
If any of the pets die or despawn for any reason, the chariot is destroyed and the Corruptor gets thrown off for 20 damage.
A Quick Brown Fox [id 3412] ̶W̶o̶l̶f̶ Fox Revenant
ÆĐR [id 105796] Lightspeaker
Elly Mentalist [id 14108] Water Elementalist
erikune [id 3374] Bone Lich Alchemist
Scribalist [id 3375] Professional Grinder (for now)
Set o Lockpicks [id 7505] Mortal Lockpicker