Class Endgame: Eternal Soldier

Suggestions for game development and improvements. One suggestion to a thread, please.
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Class Endgame: Eternal Soldier

Post by Thenixon »

If there's anything in the works for ES I'm sure it's great and don't want to supercede that. But given that it's a bit of a backwater class with an odd mythology behind it, there might not be.
If not, this is my idea:

We all know ES doesn't have superpowers or magic. Basically a tweaker with an itchy trigger finger and Restless Leg Syndrome. But definitely just human being. He's just a guy!

So some highfalutin interaction with so-called elder powers is not going to make much sense, because really despite their refusal to go hang out with other actual mortals in a mortal plane of existence, the ES does not truck with that sort of business.

Now what does a regular Joe like to do when he's reached the pinnacle of his career and has nothing more to do? Well, go fishin' of course!

My suggestion is in a nutshell that with a fishing pole and certain existing items as bait, max lev ES can go fishing. Only 'round here, it's not like back home. This strange magical plane has warped the fish and more like than not you're going to hook a monster of some sort.

So maybe you pull up nothing, maybe more bait, maybe junk, and sometimes a feral pet emerges from the briny depths to attack you and anyone else it sees.

Each lake could have a cast of possible pets, many of which are perhaps a bit too thorny to want to farm pet kills from.


If the ES doesn't kill them, they live out their lives in the area, maybe only hitting at other t3 for example?

There are some great, creating things going on with feral pets this breath that could be drawn upon. The syndermata or a similar thing would be a fun catch, water ele pets and waterlogged undead seem likely. We could come up with more, I'm sure. Different baits might work better, or might be required for different pets? or at least the best chance at certain rare ones.

And maybe, just maybe the fisherman who's caught everything has a small chance at hooking The Big One, a titan-level pet who's sure to liven up the neighborhood!

I think most of this could be built with existing code, existing items and existing or slightly tweaked pets. It would add some spice to feral pets in cord/purg, and give ES something to exist for keep busy with on pass days. Probably should be open to supermortals at lvl 30 too.

tl;dr: fishing minigame.
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Re: Class Endgame: Eternal Soldier

Post by Liemannen »

ESes, are big game hunters, and what do big game hunters do when they get bored with big game? What else would be bigger target than big game? People! And not just any of other people, but other ESes!

Killing other ES would give some bonus for them, maybe some% to hit bonus (should be capped, maybe), resets on death.
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Re: Class Endgame: Eternal Soldier

Post by RKBBQ »

Good idea. Looking into it.
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