Item mailbox for faction mates

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Item mailbox for faction mates

Post by NearNihil »

The inconvenience
I can't give items to folks who are not in my stronghold while I'm there, nor receive items while I'm away from the stronghold. My personal locker can only hold so many items as well. I want to be able to give factionmates items they've been asking for as logistics when they're away, and want to give my logistics people things when they're not around.

The suggestion to fix the inconvenience
The faction can buy an upgrade so everyone gets a mailbox located in their stronghold, starting at 5 and upgradeable to 10 items total for each member (preferably not weight, that'd open up the way to getting underwear bombed and having to sift through all of that; also works around the "logistics person fixed my armor but now the thing is full" issue). Only factionmates (not you) can stuff things into it and only you can take things out. Similar but not identical to the footlocker.

Potential problems/critiques and why I don't think they're more impactful than the suggestion
- You can just use the faction safe: True, but some safes get huge. Not to mention someone accidentally taking your stuff. Helps relieve logistics stress as they/I can just mail the potions or enchanted weapon/armor someone has been asking for without worrying someone swipes it out of the safe.
- Transferring items between alts in the same faction: Only a problem in the default factions. Solution: don't allow you to stuff things into your alts' mailboxes.
- What about the one guy who's going to stuff 10 suits of armor into my mailbox: Tell them off. Or sell them (the factionmate, suits of armor, or both) to pimco. You could do an Advocate excommunication thing here but I think that's overengineering for now.
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Re: Item mailbox for faction mates

Post by Meric »

Sounds great.

Maybe tie in with this item here?

Sunset Shimmer attacked you with a Frozen Gauntlet and hit for 62 points of holy damage. She was hiding! This attack was charged with righteous wrath! Their body strained with holy resolve as they added physical power to this attack! (2021-11-22)
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