Below. Doesnt seem to have been impacted by it.
- You attack Ieflin with your Umbral Sword and hit for 12 points of cold damage. You started a combination attack! This attack drained 4 Magic Points from them. His armor soaked 3 points of damage. You gain 5 XP. (2022-01-01 12:08:57).
- You sense the fire enchantment on your Umbral Sword go dormant. (2022-01-01 12:08:57).
- You attack Ieflin with your Umbral Sword and hit for 20 points of arcane damage. You dealt 3 more damage from a combination attack! This attack drained 2 Magic Points from them. This attack was charged with arcane power! You gain 8 XP. (2022-01-01 12:09:38).
Umbral Sword lost enchantment (it never had)
Umbral Sword lost enchantment (it never had)
Sunset Shimmer attacked you with a Frozen Gauntlet and hit for 62 points of holy damage. She was hiding! This attack was charged with righteous wrath! Their body strained with holy resolve as they added physical power to this attack! (2021-11-22)
Re: Umbral Sword lost enchantment (it never had)
i swear the more fire items i create the more this happens to people
how vexing
how vexing
- You say, "Oh my me." (2022-01-30 03:41:07).
Re: Umbral Sword lost enchantment (it never had)
Heh, yes I have had this on my innate h2h attacks too. Maybe we all collectively contribute to Nayrus fire chonts depleting? 

Re: Umbral Sword lost enchantment (it never had)
The false enchant decay message will be fixed in the next patch.
Katerina Hasheen - Necromancer Advocate, champion of a better Hashaa
Serena Hasheen - Sword Revenant, Freedom Array booster
Isabel Hasheen - Gunwizard Councillor, infusion's #1 fan
Kandarin - Unformed potential, Crusader, fontnet architect
Erduhr-Khazai - Fire-breathing Dragon DO, Evil Overlord, pillager of planes
Serena Hasheen - Sword Revenant, Freedom Array booster
Isabel Hasheen - Gunwizard Councillor, infusion's #1 fan
Kandarin - Unformed potential, Crusader, fontnet architect
Erduhr-Khazai - Fire-breathing Dragon DO, Evil Overlord, pillager of planes