Feedback and discussion about Enhanced Senses changes/huntress gameplay

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Re: Feedback and discussion about Enhanced Senses changes/huntress gameplay

Post by Ravachol »

That skill is now useless.

I don't see the point in the change. Living outside was already pretty easy if you take the time to hide in a good spot.

At least you should be able to see everyone hidden with 1 search. That would be a minimum. You should also see a petmaster if his pets are attacting you.

If not, just drop the skill. I mean, it's really useless as it is right now.
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Re: Feedback and discussion about Enhanced Senses changes/huntress gameplay

Post by SkullFace »

I can't give actual gameplay feedback, I can only give comments from POV of legacy player returning to the game. To wit: current mechanics as noted in wiki and changelog suggest to me that hunting is a bust for anyone other than the specific angel and demon (and Revenant) classes that have an MP-powered detection skill. And even then that ability will be limited.

I had some experience of the hide-and-seek gameplay of prior Breaths. Where it was always possible to hunt as a Summoner (with Critters finding hidden people) and combat classes with access to Enhanced Senses e.g. the Seraph, the B5 changes to both Hide/Invis and Enhanced Senses do not facilitate that type gameplay. Active searching with B5 Enchanced Senses will burn AP at minimum of 2 per tile (indoor and outdoor) and that will stack up and limit range.

I assume that this change was consciously by-design to push players towards raiding, rather than an accident of game balancing? That design change doesn't suit me though, and it may not suit those whose raiding opportunities are limited by time zone differences. I'd suggest that it sadly removes (or changes) some of the essential flavour (the good spicy kind) and some of the variety of the Nexus. At time of writing I don't intend to be purchasing B5 Enchanced Senses for any character.
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