Patch Notes - 2022 February 27th

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Patch Notes - 2022 February 27th

Post by Kandarin »

Game Mechanics:
* Intimidating Aura (and its upgrades) now does not have an effect on any Vassals of the Dark Oppressor who cast it.
* Active Infusion now shifts morality toward Good, Evil or Neutrality for 1/10th of the amount infused, depending on the infusion alignment of the one casting it.
* Font trap damage or kills now shift the trap setter's morality as if they'd done the damage or kill directly.
* Bargaining for Planar Protection when trapped in Stygia by a Pact now applies Abiding Wickedness and sends a small shard of your soul to serve the Dark Oppressor who made the Pact.
* Respawn grants the 'Materializing' status effect for 12 ticks. While under the effect of 'Materializing' the character may traverse any and all barricades unimpeded. The effect is canceled if the character makes a hostile action. At this time, hostile actions for the purposes of this status include attacking other characters, attacking doors, barricades, wards, and fortifications or casting glyph spells or erasures.
* Lighten enchants can now reduce an item to 0 weight.
* Anoint and Holy Transfer cannot be used on Evil characters.

Quality of Life and Interface
* Stygian Overlord claim duration has always had a cap; the flavor text of your claim strength now has a third possible value that tells you if you're at that cap.
* When a Desecration action summons an Imp or causes a Super Heavy Item to become Possessed, bystanders now get told what happened.
* When a Prayer action summons an Aethersprite or a Crystal Guardian, bystanders now get told what happened.
* Vassals whose corpses have been raised as Possessed Thralls are now told about it.
* Any time a font trap you set is triggered, the game now tells you about it.

Major Bugs:
* Fixed pets not triggering desecrations if the owner isn't evil morality.
* Fixed Soul Vampire not functioning if the user doesn't also have Life Vampire. This also resolved an issue blocking Soul Vampire from Pacts.

Minor Bugs:
* Fixed lore grant message being overly red and bold and red and bold. you know what i'm leaving it as is
* Fixed lore grant improperly assessing a character's max MP with MP increasing skills.
* Fixed CP check for spell learning having the wrong idea about T1 CP spent.
* Prevented Dark Oppressor Poltergeist actions from possessing and animating font-building items such as Geysers.
* Fixed an issue where requesters of healing/absolving blessings got an error message if the Advocate was out of AP, which isn't supposed to matter.
* Fixed core characters skills not factoring font MP in place of your own.
* Fixed an issue where Locust Swarms still weren't targeting flyers when upgraded or split.
* Cloak of Vengeance no longer grants a bonus vs NPC pets for angel kills done by other NPC pets.
Katerina Hasheen - Necromancer Advocate, champion of a better Hashaa
Serena Hasheen - Sword Revenant, Freedom Array booster
Isabel Hasheen - Gunwizard Councillor, infusion's #1 fan
Kandarin - Unformed potential, Crusader, fontnet architect
Erduhr-Khazai - Fire-breathing Dragon DO, Evil Overlord, pillager of planes
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