Gameplay: Fonts Automatically "Bar"

Suggestions the development team does not plan to act on
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Gameplay: Fonts Automatically "Bar"

Post by SignedName »

Suggestion to change how Fonts work to encourage people to be sparing in Font usage without resorting to player-based policing of Fonts.

The concept is, as a Font gets drained, it becomes less efficient to use (numbers provided are just an example). Let's say, the first 50% of MP tapped from a Font are "free", at less than 50%, it costs 1 MP to tap, at 25% it costs 2 MP, and so on. This naturally incentivizes people to leave Fonts to regenerate their magical reserves because as they deplete, it gets less efficient to harness them. To avoid trouble with "first come first serve", perhaps the first tap in a defined amount of time (day? week?) could be "free" no matter how drained the Font is.
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Re: Gameplay: Fonts Automatically "Bar"

Post by Kandarin »

The spirit of this suggestion was addressed by vital bugfixes not long after it was posted.
Katerina Hasheen - Necromancer Advocate, champion of a better Hashaa
Serena Hasheen - Sword Revenant, Freedom Array booster
Isabel Hasheen - Gunwizard Councillor, infusion's #1 fan
Kandarin - Unformed potential, Crusader, fontnet architect
Erduhr-Khazai - Fire-breathing Dragon DO, Evil Overlord, pillager of planes
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