Gameplay: Cordillera roaming Uber-pet

Suggestions the development team does not plan to act on
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Gameplay: Cordillera roaming Uber-pet

Post by sekki »

Add several roaming mini-uber pets (maybe make them actually mini this time). Would make them count as all things at the same time (angel, demon, trans) and have -40 MO for the sake of MO gain (alt. hitting it doesn’t affect MO)

They should wander Cordelleira and should be defensive (so it doesn’t murder random people sleeping in the streets).

I’m kinda partial towards the pets being basically impossible to kill as T2s, but I can see it being made doable with either multiple factions or a single faction.

Crucially, swinging at the pet should grant reasonable exp (perhaps it counts as T1 for exp gains but the pet has some soak, res and/or def? But nothing too crazy). Healers do kinda get a crazy exp field day with this, but it requires effort and maybe they deserve one.

Also the pet should do mundane damage so that armor is useful (maybe even a mix of all 3 types). They should be allergic to leylines (which both helps keep them confined and prevents massive xp gains due to repeated smiting/equivs).

This gives factions something to plan around. Gives something to do for healers and provides a shiny distraction for poor T1s just trying to read their way to T2.

Random stats I’m pulling out of nowhere:
10% dodge/evasion
30% resist all
10 damage (random between the 3 mundane types)
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Re: Gameplay: Cordillera roaming Uber-pet

Post by Kandarin »

Lorewise, this doesn't make sense right now. Maybe later on once the Outer Planes and their patron Powers have had more time to work on Cordillera.

The B4 end event where factions could summon pets in their territory was a great success and faction upgrades that do something like that would be welcome.
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