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Discussing Lightspeaker prayer results

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2022 1:24 pm
by SaltedSalmon
I am wondering about the usefulness of those. I wanted to make a suggestion thread, but I have no idea how to deal with the issue, so here is better for now.

Anyways, the problem is that pretty much all of them are difficulty and finnicky to use.

Blessing of the Animals - Would be nice if you could trigger it consistently, but no. There's only a 30% chance that your prayers get this result, and it costs 2 AP per attempt.
Oath of Battle - There are things I don't understand about this result so, no comment.
Crystal Guardian - Good for a raid I guess? But why are you doing offensive prayers BEFORE a Raid as a Lightspeaker? Your pets would normally be unwounded so Blessing of the Animals is useless here.
A Advocate could also give you greater offensive prayers, but given that the Crystal Guardian chance is 30%, I still wouldn't dip on that.

Re: Discussing Lightspeaker prayer results

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2022 3:33 pm
by SaltedSalmon
No responses...

I guess, to summarize, the problem is that
1. You're unlikely to get a prayer you want, unless you're about to use your divine crook to kill someone, because there's only a 30% chance of any prayer being pet related.
2. The lesser prayer result is useful AFTER a battle, but the intermediary and greater prayer results are useful BEFORE one.
If that could be fixed somehow, and I'm not sure how it could be, then offensive prayers as LS would be good again.

Re: Discussing Lightspeaker prayer results

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 2:24 am
by Nayru
just a part of offensive prayer having the variant results i suppose, the thing it's likely to do is pray --> magic so it'd probably work out better if its variants were there which isn't going to be a thing while the spellgem procs are competing with raw +mp so perhaps in a future where magic results were de-facto 5/10/15 mp per and you got additional results on top of that (which fixes a lot of pray --> magic's issues really)

Re: Discussing Lightspeaker prayer results

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2022 6:24 am
by cat
Unsure why they're all under Offensive. If anything they should probably be under Pray for Magic. Or return Utility as a bracket.