Wiki skill flavor descriptions

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Wiki skill flavor descriptions

Post by stumpy1991 »

So, the old wiki had flavor descriptions for skills that were fun to read and added some user generated spice to the articles. I've been thinking about rewriting them. Would anyone else like to join me?

Thrown weapons:

Natalia had marched all the way into Hell itself with a ragtag group of likeminded friends who wanted to give the demons a piece of their mind. Most were unprofessional. New to this place. She wasn’t all that experienced herself. The man in charge, a guy by the name of Banks had fitted them with enough equipment to carry out a raid on one of the smaller warrens of hellspawn.

The fortifications were down. Decrepit and foreboding, the keep in front of them stank like brimstone and was stained dark with former shed bled. Gripping her rifle close, Natalia shouldered ahead until…

“This is for Mikey! This is for Seth! One for…” Some lanky, long-haired idiot. Who was he? Someone exceptionally new. A grenade held in one hand, the pin in the other. In the middle of babbling about some guy he knew that he was going to avenge, the explosive went off and turned the would-be hero into a fine mist of blood and bone shrapnel.

Banks, wiping visecra from his eyes, cawed out: “Lesson, people: Throw the fuckin’ grenade before it goes off!”
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Re: Wiki skill flavor descriptions

Post by Liche »

The old wiki had a system set up for this. We could revive that, fairly easily enough.

Or is this more of a creative outlet for you (which I have no problem with)? If you don't want to manage things, I should be able to figure some stuff out this week. If you want to take the lead, then we shall follow where you go. :)
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Re: Wiki skill flavor descriptions

Post by stumpy1991 »

Liche wrote: Tue Jul 11, 2023 2:15 am The old wiki had a system set up for this. We could revive that, fairly easily enough.

Or is this more of a creative outlet for you (which I have no problem with)? If you don't want to manage things, I should be able to figure some stuff out this week. If you want to take the lead, then we shall follow where you go. :)
I wanted to revive it and have the community join in if they wanted. I didn't want to use the old wikis descriptions because it didn't feel right. If anyone else wants to join in, PLEASE DO. And I don't know how to format wiki stuff so that would be a definite help.
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Re: Wiki skill flavor descriptions

Post by Liche »

Sounds like this will be fun! I'm happy to post the flavor text to the wiki, so no problem there. Let me think on some guidelines for a day or two, we'll hash them out, and get things rolling.
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Re: Wiki skill flavor descriptions

Post by stumpy1991 »

Liche wrote: Wed Jul 12, 2023 2:22 am Sounds like this will be fun! I'm happy to post the flavor text to the wiki, so no problem there. Let me think on some guidelines for a day or two, we'll hash them out, and get things rolling.
Awesome, thanks! I'll be working on more descriptions. Hopefully other people notice and want to add too.
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Re: Wiki skill flavor descriptions

Post by Liche »

Here is some structure I’ve been thinking of. What are your thoughts?

I think the guidelines the old story texts used were pretty good. We could use them with just a few modifications.

1. Each story covers one skill.
2. Stories should have a word count limit. The old one was 200 words, which I think worked pretty well. It could be expanded a bit, though I think we should keep away from novella length creations (mobile devices with smaller screen real estate would appreciate this).
3. No names or recognizable characterizations. The goal isn’t to immortalize one’s own characters or take the opportunity to dunk on someone else’s.
4. Keep the stories family friendly (in language and tone). I (Liche) understand our audience is mostly adults, but I’d like to keep things welcoming for younger players (if possible).
4. Story texts will have a template applied to them on the wiki.
5. Stories should not be modified once added to the wiki.
6. Voting?

So, all those ideas are up for modification. What do you think? The old texts were voted on, but back then there was a larger, far more active, forum population. Do we want to try and get voting going? I’m game, but I also don’t have a problem with whoever wants to write something just writing it.

With some luck, maybe this gets folks back to being more active on the forum and contributing, even if only to vote. We could even break this out into a sub- board if there’s enough activity.
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Re: Wiki skill flavor descriptions

Post by oath2order »

Liche wrote: Fri Jul 21, 2023 8:40 pm Here is some structure I’ve been thinking of. What are your thoughts?

I think the guidelines the old story texts used were pretty good. We could use them with just a few modifications.

1. Each story covers one skill.
2. Stories should have a word count limit. The old one was 200 words, which I think worked pretty well. It could be expanded a bit, though I think we should keep away from novella length creations (mobile devices with smaller screen real estate would appreciate this).
3. No names or recognizable characterizations. The goal isn’t to immortalize one’s own characters or take the opportunity to dunk on someone else’s.
4. Keep the stories family friendly (in language and tone). I (Liche) understand our audience is mostly adults, but I’d like to keep things welcoming for younger players (if possible).
4. Story texts will have a template applied to them on the wiki.
5. Stories should not be modified once added to the wiki.
6. Voting?

So, all those ideas are up for modification. What do you think? The old texts were voted on, but back then there was a larger, far more active, forum population. Do we want to try and get voting going? I’m game, but I also don’t have a problem with whoever wants to write something just writing it.

With some luck, maybe this gets folks back to being more active on the forum and contributing, even if only to vote. We could even break this out into a sub- board if there’s enough activity.
I do recall the drama a while back with that one dude like, Breath 3 who was trying to find ways to immortalize his characters in various ways. Doctor something or another. Because of that, fully agree on #3.

Voting on them? I guess. Really could just be a popularity contest of who writes them and not necessarily who is the best, though.

Only modification to #5 that I'd argue is modify for punctuation and grammar if ever needed.
old-school member been here since like September 2014, I finally got my original start date.
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