Newspapers: B4 final leaderboards

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Newspapers: B4 final leaderboards

Post by Badziew »

I rarely read newspapers in B4 but I also did not like to throw them away, so near the end of Breath I have accumulated a total of a few thousands.
I did not want them to go to waste, so I wrote a little backup tool to automatically save contents of browser tab, and then I went wild and READ ALL MY NEWSPAPERS.
Yes, it took me a few weeks. Luckily I managed to finish before the Breath ended, but I was quite close.

Anyway, that fat stack of saved page contents has been sitting on my laptop for a few months, until I finally found some spare time and energy to write a program to process it and cut leaderboard tables out of it. And because I had a few thousand random samples, that was more than enough to accumulate a full set of leaderboards.

So here it is, ultimate summary of Breath 4!

Most Killed Characters (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                   No. of Deaths
1) Elska Skapraun           5338
2) a bag of XP              4249
3) An True                  2613
4) A Horse-Toothed Jackass  1543
5) Vesbia the Purified      1369
6) Devlin Bower             1367
7) Potato Bird              1314
8) Molovian                 1271
9) The Central Scrutinizer  1197
10) Mango                   1163

Most Killed Characters (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                       No. of Deaths
1) Kenny McCormick              10710
2) Elska Skapraun               5501
3) a bag of XP                  5150
4) An True                      3144
5) Devlin Bower                 2768
6) Bob Probert                  2353
7) the Gulf Oil Spill           2165
8) Bugabear                     2070
9) tastyintestines              1927
10) Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg 1787

Top Alcoholics (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                       Booze Consumed
1) Patchy the Pirate            4699
2) Rick C-137                   1523
3) Rust Belt Bill               1333
4) neo-frosty                   1185
5) A critical mass of fat guys  1128
6) FrederickChristTrump         1127
7) A Little Baby Dragon         1108
8) Tom Green                    1108
9) Mosquito                     1099
10) Hyperbolic Stan             1087

Top Alcoholics (Career)

Code: Select all

Character             Booze Consumed
1) Patchy the Pirate  4699
2) Grugg              4497
3) tastyintestines    2928
4) Yaz Shamriz        2052
5) Vile Brimstone     2042
6) Rust Belt Bill     1854
7) Overseer           1681
8) Sac II             1673
9) Gromit             1642
10) Rick C-137        1523

Top Angel Killers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                 Angels Killed
1) Catvom                 945
2) Quarrel                524
3) Liberia Crystal        494
4) AT&T Customer Service  467
5) Liemannen              451
6) Alyss Kain             299
7) Baalberith             298
8) Mango                  285
9) Ariel Darkheart        284
10) Mosquito              278

Top Angel Killers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                         Angels Killed
1) Quarrel                        2418
2) Vile Brimstone                 1438
3) Catvom                         1138
4) A shadow                       1063
5) Kiano                          830
6) Tufty, the psychotic squirrel  816
7) Liemannen                      704
8) Eliise                         616
9) Helen Keller                   589
10) Mr Scavvy                     581

Top Crafters (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character            Items Crafted
1) Father Christmas  5756
2) Deathpoint        4402
3) Vy                4016
4) Notorious RBG     3947
5) Martha Stewart    3680
6) Tamamo            3590
7) Aaida             3423
8) Sara              3372
9) Emmett Brown      3257
10) Explosivo        3018

Top Crafters (Career)

Code: Select all

Character            Items Crafted
1) Father Christmas  5909
2) Deathpoint        4402
3) Vy                4016
4) Notorious RBG     3947
5) Sara              3885
6) Martha Stewart    3680
7) Tamamo            3590
8) Aaida             3423
9) Emmett Brown      3288
10) a random janitor 3169

Top Damage Dealers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character           Damage Dealt
1) Liemannen        384637
2) Alyss Kain       339349
3) Liberia Crystal  303966
4) Mick Connors     230888
5) Devlin Bower     219966
6) Pharaoh          207395
7) Baalberith       204891
8) Sartan           204751
9) Malhavok         202627
10) Mr Dalliard     198649

Top Damage Dealers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character           Damage Dealt
1) Liemannen        394007
2) Baalberith       370454
3) Liberia Crystal  358426
4) Alyss Kain       339349
5) Catvom           318718
6) Vile Brimstone   293842
7) Two-Socks        288064
8) Kiano            284407
9) Erduhr-Khazai    258030
10) Mr Dalliard     256692

Top Degenerates (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character               Power Removed
1) Bad Horse            3085
2) Raziel               1928
3) Ed Gruberman         1428
4) Emma Burke           1168
5) A bratty little kid  1097
6) Volstok              1081
7) Kael                 1080
8) BarronTrump          1079
9) a wandering kitsune  1070
10) a faceless child    1069

Top Degenerates (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                       Power Removed
1) Ohm von Blackvolt- Hertz     7847
2) Bad Horse                    4582
3) Kenny McCormick              3668
4) Karst                        2652
5) Circle                       2399
6) Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg  1998
7) Raziel                       1935
8) Chrigel Glanzmann            1457
9) Ed Gruberman                 1428
10) a crossdressing cannibal    1381

Top Demon Killers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character       Demons Killed
1) Pharaoh      999
2) Alyss Kain   926
3) Catvom       811
4) Kira         701
5) Sartan       567
6) Liemannen    507
7) Baalberith   496
8) Malhavok     491
9) Simo Häyhä   484
10) Big Boy Bob 415

Top Demon Killers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character      Demons Killed
1) Bob Ross    1440
2) Skull Face  1177
3) Baalberith  1165
4) Pharaoh     1086
5) Catvom      1057
6) Kiano       929
7) Alyss Kain  926
8) Eliise      890
9) Two-Socks   862
10) Liemannen  769

Top Door Destroyers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                   Doors Destroyed
1) Devlin Bower             1435
2) Liemannen                1400
3) :Ghost:                  1311
4) The Central Scrutinizer  1259
5) Hyperbolic Stan          1154
6) The Tartan Terror        1119
7) MelaniaTrump             1088
8) Aaida                    1083
9) Armaros                  1079
10) Huntress                1078

Top Door Destroyers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                   Doors Destroyed
1) Yarish                   1989
2) Killer Bean              1722
3) Liemannen                1671
4) Black Saphire            1596
5) Devlin Bower             1502
6) Tyrannicus               1481
7) :Ghost:                  1311
8) Mr Dalliard              1265
9) The Central Scrutinizer  1259
10) The Tartan Terror       1245

Top Door Repairmen (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                Doors Repaired
1) Amok                  1344
2) :Ghost:               1343
3) Thilly Gooth          1308
4) EricTrump             1166
5) Nathan Grantham       1140
6) Kyra Redstorm         1120
7) Emma Burke            1109
8) The Shockmaster       1097
9) FrederickChristTrump  1066
10) a tree octopus       1054

Top Door Repairmen (Career)

Code: Select all

Character            Doors Repaired
1) Gromit            1858
2) Guttersnipe       1753
3) Doorman!          1694
4) Black Saphire     1511
5) Nathan Grantham   1435
6) Tyrannicus        1395
7) Meatbag the Mime  1388
8) Amok              1368
9) Jabril            1348
10) :Ghost:          1343

Top Electricians (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                Power Restored
1) Volstok               1717
2) Coron                 1556
3) a tree octopus        1383
4) Vylekh                1100
5) Nightwielder          1098
6) Andrew                1095
7) a wandering kitsune   1084
8) Indistinct Gibberish  1067
9) Phix                  1057
10) Garden               1052

Top Electricians (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                       Power Restored
1) Jøstein Bever                3633
2) a tree octopus               2223
3) Gromit                       2204
4) Andrew                       2096
5) Guttersnipe                  1969
6) Assistant Professor Chaos    1806
7) Janni                        1802
8) The Shockmaster              1717
9) Volstok                      1717
10) Jean-Baptiste Emmanuel Zorg 1697

Top Experience Earners (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character            Experience Earned
1) Liemannen         268018
2) Alyss Kain        264929
3) Catvom            219529
4) Mango             203180
5) Father Christmas  201518
6) Pharaoh           191092
7) Martha Stewart    173238
8) Mr Dalliard       170683
9) Ariel Darkheart   170043
10) Baalberith       164837

Top Experience Earners (Career)

Code: Select all

Character            Experience Earned
1) Liemannen         268087
2) Alyss Kain        264929
3) Catvom            219529
4) Mango             203180
5) Father Christmas  201518
6) Pharaoh           191417
7) Martha Stewart    173238
8) Mr Dalliard       170683
9) Ariel Darkheart   170043
10) Baalberith       164837

Top Gourmands (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                Food Eaten
1) Franknfurter          2488
2) Patchy the Pirate     1676
3) Black Saphire         1614
4) a Gaming Mac          1243
5) Chianni               1234
6) Koldar                1210
7) Carilgar              1181
8) Flowey                1175
9) Seldara               1172
10) A Little Baby Dragon 1154

Top Gourmands (Career)

Code: Select all

Character              Food Eaten
1) Franknfurter        2499
2) Gromit              2096
3) Patchy the Pirate   1676
4) Black Saphire       1673
5) The King In Yellow  1570
6) Seldara             1500
7) Carilgar            1488
8) Chompy              1471
9) Nightfire           1431
10) Bleu Saphire       1424

Top Healers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                        HP Healed
1) Sofia Piscitelli              152688
2) Manco                         83822
3) Special Agent: Kitty-Bat-Kat  73518
4) R5-D4                         70189
5) Doc Heywood                   57256
6) Big Boy Bob                   54055
7) Dr Teeth                      47914
8) Syriti                        46279
9) Zywie                         45379
10) Brother Yngvi                44400

Top Healers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                        HP Healed
1) Sofia Piscitelli              152688
2) A friendly sorcerer           144135
3) R5-D4                         87956
4) Big Boy Bob                   85908
5) Manco                         83851
6) Serena Hasheen                74594
7) Special Agent: Kitty-Bat-Kat  74210
8) Brother Yngvi                 72011
9) Janni                         70719
10) Doc Heywood                  57256

Top Killers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                 Kills
1) Alyss Kain             3670
2) Baalberith             2587
3) Sartan                 2550
4) Malhavok               2502
5) Liemannen              2220
6) Catvom                 1800
7) EricTrump              1461
8) Mango                  1298
9) Ebola-chan             1269
10) AT&T Customer Service 1267

Top Killers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character          Kills
1) Two-Socks       4256
2) Baalberith      4126
3) Vile Brimstone  4105
4) Liemannen       3720
5) Alyss Kain      3670
6) Eliise          3537
7) Quarrel         3106
8) Kiano           2882
9) Catvom          2805
10) Sartan         2582

Top Lockpickers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character               Locks Picked
1) Set o Lockpicks      2308
2) Glueman              1261
3) Aaida                1050
4) Mockfjärdsvapnet     1024
5) Your crazy twin      1011
6) a wandering kitsune  1005
7) Hail Hydra!!1!       1004
8) Alwareus             1003
9) Ebola-chan           1003
10) Vriska Serket       1002

Top Lockpickers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                  Locks Picked
1) Set o Lockpicks         4019
2) Glueman                 1269
3) Aaida                   1050
4) Mockfjärdsvapnet        1024
5) Mr Dalliard             1018
6) Abijah the Twice-named  1011
7) Your crazy twin         1011
8) Bob Ross                1010
9) Good Guy Badziew        1010
10) Hail Hydra!!1!         1005

Top Pet Killers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                            Pets Killed
1) Nightwielder                      6166
2) Desmond                           4932
3) Tadpole- A Tree climbing Catfish  3369
4) Edgar Flume                       3309
5) Obliteration                      2624
6) Erduhr-Khazai                     2211
7) Iðunn                             1993
8) Oath                              1717
9) Liemannen                         1705
10) Vesbia the Purified              1660

Top Pet Killers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                            Pets Killed
1) Nightwielder                      6166
2) Desmond                           5208
3) Erduhr-Khazai                     4554
4) Edgar Flume                       3381
5) Tadpole- A Tree climbing Catfish  3370
6) Liemannen                         2838
7) Obliteration                      2624
8) Bob Ross                          2516
9) Iðunn                             1993
10) The Tartan Terror                1915

Top Pill Takers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character               Pills Taken
1) Carilgar             2179
2) Seldara              2068
3) IvankaTrump          1649
4) BarronTrump          1593
5) Doc Heywood          1526
6) Mockfjärdsvapnet     1524
7) Chianni              1510
8) Sylveon              1480
9) a wandering kitsune  1459
10) Vriska Serket       1458

Top Pill Takers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character             Pills Taken
1) Carilgar           2179
2) Seldara            2068
3) Liemannen          1951
4) The Flash          1754
5) IvankaTrump        1649
6) Manrias le Normro  1620
7) BarronTrump        1593
8) Doc Heywood        1526
9) Mockfjärdsvapnet   1524
10) Arnold            1512

Top Punching Bags (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character               Damage Taken
1) a bag of XP          624658
2) Elska Skapraun       330075
3) An True              320997
4) Franknfurter         297076
5) Sara                 285871
6) Oath                 246635
7) Nathan Grantham      241780
8) I was once a plant!  187883
9) BarronTrump          180827
10) Mettaton            164029

Top Punching Bags (Career)

Code: Select all

Character           Damage Taken
1) a bag of XP      727616
2) Kenny McCormick  701977
3) An True          444548
4) Nathan Grantham  444312
5) Elska Skapraun   343361
6) Franknfurter     326884
7) Sara             297878
8) Oath             264952
9) Champion Sounds  256412
10) Grunk the Pale  237416

Top Readers (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character              Books Read
1) Xiviron             3347
2) Slimer              2525
3) Molovian            2294
4) Samantha Baron      2187
5) Dan Huggins         2136
6) Abdul Alhazred      2128
7) Elisabeth Kirchner  2035
8) Esther              1967
9) Aurix               1887
10) Kyra Redstorm      1883

Top Readers (Career)

Code: Select all

Character              Books Read
1) Bad Guy Badziew     5544
2) Good Guy Badziew    5100
3) Sentient Spellbook  4874
4) Cassandra           3893
5) Badziew             3838
6) sheldonbunny        3395
7) Xiviron             3368
8) SonginSilence       3297
9) Gimner              3199
10) Muppetlord         3153

Top Repairmen (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character                          Items Repaired
1) Father Christmas                6010
2) A pair of doorknocking Mormons  4851
3) Tamamo                          3527
4) a black-footed ferret           3440
5) Signed                          3001
6) The Collector                   2988
7) Deathpoint                      2888
8) Emmett Brown                    2024
9) FrederickChristTrump            2011
10) Luciella                       1830

Top Repairmen (Career)

Code: Select all

Character                          Items Repaired
1) a black-footed ferret           9135
2) Father Christmas                7719
3) A pair of doorknocking Mormons  4851
4) The Collector                   4598
5) Signed                          3579
6) Tamamo                          3527
7) Deathpoint                      2888
8) a tiny grasshopper              2753
9) An Animated Factory             2685
10) Jabril                         2586

Top Target Shooters (Breath)

Code: Select all

Character               Targets Shot
1) Marie Curie          1587
2) Rust Belt Bill       1531
3) Mrs Robinson         1128
4) Abaddon              1067
5) Zywie                1064
6) Aaida                1063
7) AmIaGhost            1030
8) Rylai                1029
9) A bratty little kid  1028
10) IvankaTrump         1022

Top Target Shooters (Career)

Code: Select all

Character              Targets Shot
1) buzz deathwish      2209
2) a tiny grasshopper  2139
3) Badziew             1955
4) Good Guy Badziew    1831
5) Mystic              1711
6) Marie Curie         1587
7) Rust Belt Bill      1574
8) Zagara              1561
9) the return          1529
10) The Green Arrow    1464
Last edited by Badziew on Fri May 13, 2022 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
My characters (sorted by IDs): Badziew, Tiger Fist, Pilgrim, Sentient Spellbook, a trojan cat.

Check my wiki profile for more information, including contact information.
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Re: Newspapers: B4 final leaderboards

Post by oath2order »

Oh, wow. Very nice!

6th place for Power Restored in the Breath, and 4th for Career. Nice.

I'm actually bummed out I didn't make it to Top Lockpickers Breath or Career. I got the 1k last breath...Maybe I should grab a Set of Lockpicks and try for a few.

Interesting seeing what people have done each breath.
old-school member been here since like September 2014, I finally got my original start date.
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Re: Newspapers: B4 final leaderboards

Post by Alkasyn »

Thanks for sharing!

Some of the tables don't parse well, though (people with higher totals are at the bottom of the list). Is that expected?
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Re: Newspapers: B4 final leaderboards

Post by Badziew »

Alkasyn wrote: Fri May 13, 2022 10:52 am Thanks for sharing!

Some of the tables don't parse well, though (people with higher totals are at the bottom of the list). Is that expected?
Wait, what?
checks the posted tables...


Checks contents of database with aggregation results...

Phew, the original aggregates seem correct, I just forgot to sort records when generating post text.

It will be fixed soon.
My characters (sorted by IDs): Badziew, Tiger Fist, Pilgrim, Sentient Spellbook, a trojan cat.

Check my wiki profile for more information, including contact information.
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Re: Newspapers: B4 final leaderboards

Post by Badziew »

And done. I also fixed character encoding in the names that were mangled.
My characters (sorted by IDs): Badziew, Tiger Fist, Pilgrim, Sentient Spellbook, a trojan cat.

Check my wiki profile for more information, including contact information.
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