Donations and Credits

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Re: Donations and Credits

Post by plscks »

As noted in the Announcements subforum and in the edit to the first post in this thread, donations will be down for a little while as per:
Attention! This information is outdated as of 2023/06/11 PayPal has recently made some changes which only allow donations for registered charities. We will be putting some sore of button for some sort of service back in place at some point, it may be a different PayPal model, or it may be a different service completely, we are unsure at this time.
TL;DR - PayPal changed some stuff so donations will be unavailable until we work out how to make them available again.
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Re: Donations and Credits

Post by Kandarin »

We’ve determined that it is still possible (and probably always has been) to send in donations without the button by initiating them from your own Paypal login if you have one; only the button is absent/broken, and we have some leads on fixing that. Because of the change of Paypal’s policy, any future interface stuff is going to have to frame this as buying credits (which is the truth, even though that’s not the main way it’s perceived)

To donate/buy-credits:
  1. Log into your PayPal account (sorry, this is still contingent on having Paypal).
  2. Click on the big yellow Send button, or go to Send or Request on the top bar.
  3. "Send" money to
  4. Specify the amount you wish to send.
  5. Specify that this is a payment for products or services, not to friends or family.
  6. Add the following in the comment:
    --- Your Nexus Clash account name
    --- That this payment is for Nexus Clash Credits
  7. It may ask for an address for "shipping", you do not need to provide one and in fact should select No Address Needed.
  8. Nexus Clash admins will be notified via email of your action and will get you your credits as soon as they are able to.
We will keep you posted on any changes to accessibility of the donation/buy-credits button.
Thanks for your patience and for your support!