Attention, Enchanters: Here's a map of all the fonts I've ever tapped

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Violet Ultra
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Attention, Enchanters: Here's a map of all the fonts I've ever tapped

Post by Violet Ultra »

generated at 20-09-2023 13.13.44.png
generated at 20-09-2023 13.13.44.png (25.06 KiB) Viewed 16247 times
Impact: Brown
Piercing: Steel Grey
Slashing: Orange Leather
Fire: Red
Cold: White
Electric: Yellow
Acid: Dark Green
Death: Pale Green
Holy: Cyan
Unholy: Blood
Arcane: Purple
(Don't mind the black 'fonts', those are just a glitch.)
I don't know whether this belongs in Club Jorm or here, but... I'm surprised I haven't heard of anyone posting a map of the fonts before.

If there's something I've missed (which there probably is) I'd appreciate someone telling me the coordinates so I can improve it. For instance, Elysium I thought I had mapped out but then it turns out some weren't readily visible because Stoopkid and Edward and Maurice keep overdrawing everything. Stoopkid especially, sheesh.
I'd also like to hear opinions on the colors I picked to represent each damage type. I know fire fonts on fire pits and cold fonts on snowy mountaintops are pretty hard to make out, but it's not too bad is it? Especially if you zoom in, or use your operating system's screen magnifier.

You might notice a few of these, such as the slashing font on the east side of the largest central body of water, are 'no longer with us' -- they're dead. The slashing font was murdered by someone ages ago, but thanks to viewtopic.php?f=2&t=5466&p=22175 THIS update and its big ugly stupid face, we're about to see a lot more fonts dying in a few weeks. I don't know how many fonts were simply left at their default 35 for ever and ever, but it was a pretty popular move; likely they were making the reasonable assumption that low-level characters would want to get XP from sacrificing potions. Unfortunately, they probably won't get that chance now.
Has there been any attempt to organize, for instance, a heroic band of mortals and misfits from every end of the alignment spectrum in order to save the Nexus and its fonts?
Because of how opaque the font capacity system is, it doesn't seem like saving the 35-point fonts (or even just most fonts in general, ultimately) would be even remotely feasible without some forum of coordination. Not that I'm all that well-coordinated myself, I'll admit...
Last edited by Violet Ultra on Wed Sep 20, 2023 8:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Attention, Enchanters: Here's a map of all the fonts I've ever tapped

Post by Liche »

Wow, that is very impressive. It must have taken a massive amount of work.

The 35 point Fonts will take a literal month to evaporate (actually, slightly longer). And that's only if no one has sacrificed a potion to them in the preceding three days. In which case their decay countdown timer resets and they have another three day grace period. If a Font can't find someone to sacrifice a potion to it in all that time, perhaps it's not as valuable as it could be.
Violet Ultra
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Re: Attention, Enchanters: Here's a map of all the fonts I've ever tapped

Post by Violet Ultra »

ALERT! ALERT! We are detecting a large Jwari Disruption Field in the mountains of South Purgatorio! Please remember to wear your spacial distortion dosimeter before you visit. If you feel yourself being torn apart, contact a Conduit immediately! I mean, they're probably to blame... but they're probably also the only ones who can fix it.

Most of the Jwari's look pretty healthy, actually. But if something that big could escape notice, how screwed are even more esoteric locations like the Cabbage Plains?
If a Font can't find someone to sacrifice a potion to it in all that time, perhaps it's not as valuable as it could be.
In theory, yes. But in my practical experience, a more reliable indicator is how often a font is used. If I were implementing a font degradation system, I would make it wait until the font was 'bursting at the seams' with excess energy, in addition to the potions being a way to keep it stabilized for several days. Plenty of fonts seem to be beyond the effective operational range of most potiony font-repairy types yet still see surprisingly regular use by wandering passersby.

We have less than three weeks now to find and take census of the health of all the fonts across the Nexus. Even less if some of them were overdrawn!
I notice the previous version of my map got over a hundred views. Has this sparked discussion somewhere? Mayhaps even a feeling of noble concern in thy heart, whereupon it may foment into a heroic yearning to take action?
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Re: Attention, Enchanters: Here's a map of all the fonts I've ever tapped

Post by Vee »

100% fully on board to help with this, feel free to send me a PM, can send my font locations and such and whatever I can do to help <3
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Re: Attention, Enchanters: Here's a map of all the fonts I've ever tapped

Post by Poinf »

There was an effort to build a font map relatively early on in the breath, but it didn't catch much traction, afaik.

There's an older map of Elysium's fonts, courtesy of IB's Peter Coleman. Other factions might have their own maps? IDK. ... /image.png

Comparing this map and the one in the OP, 20, 10 (Cold), 20, 11 (Arcane), and 20, 12 (Acid) are missing from the OP's map.

I'm pretty certain that the Homestead fonts are all Death, though my font maker is currently released so I can't double check.
The Elysium fonts that are missing in the southwestern chunk of the map should all be Cold.
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