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Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 4:07 pm
by Wassail
Are you a transcended class in the good or evil guild? That seems awful. Let's review -

Evil –
  • Can't even heal farm 75% of your teammates. Yikes.
    No pacts. Terrible. This is Not It.
Good –
  • sorry guys I can't play right now, Daddy Namm grounded me dot cringing shiba dot meme
    Can't even fratricide your own teammates. What are we doing here guys.
    The vibes, in fact, are NOT good. Ironic!
Free will –
  • you can be ANY alignment
    Can't take damage for setting a SH if there are no factions!
    Best color.
    Has all the coolest players!? Judge for yourself.

Guild Roster -

Junco – Moi.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - Smirk impersonator, 3 stars

Valkyr – Chief VW admirer

AHWC – Our Gentleman of the Brotherly Fratricide

Mori N – Captain, Weeb auxiliary

Danika – Troll-mate #1 code name Tweedle-dee

Micro S – Troll-mate #2 code name Tweedle-dum

Eithnee – Quartermaster General

Snegurochka – Rubbish Smuggler (Civilian)

Hotaru T – Surgeon General

Tater – Master of Potatoes (self explanatory)

APWB – Bird count increment +1

Fjorgyn – Cute recruit!

Chessquiri O - The Forgotten One (sorry)

DSS - Greater Death Servitor's less useful brother

Rakhasesh - Chief Gemologist

Henrietta - Cutest Cat, Junco Baiter & Reminder of why White Pill Meta is superior

SPOILER_SPOILER_IMG_1302.jpg (193.11 KiB) Viewed 17198 times
How many Free Will friends can YOU find?

Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 4:10 pm
by Wassail
Troll-mates starlog
- Danika attacked you with a Katar and hit for 1 points of piercing damage. (2023-06-18 22:33:06).
- (2 times) Danika attacked the area with a(n) Concussion Grenade. You were caught in the attack but managed to avoid injury. 1 characters and/or pets were affected by this attack. (2023-06-18 22:33:20).
- Danika attacked you with a Katar and missed! (2023-06-18 22:33:44).
- Danika attacked you with a Katar and hit for 1 points of piercing damage. (2023-06-18 22:33:46).
- Danika attacked you with a Katar and missed! (2023-06-18 22:33:48).
- Danika attacked the area with a(n) Concussion Grenade. You were caught in the attack but managed to avoid injury. 1 characters and/or pets were affected by this attack. (2023-06-18 22:33:54).
Where did you even get those.
(2 times) Danika attacked you with a Fist and missed! (2023-06-21 22:11:06).
- (2 times) Danika attacked you with a Fist and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-21 22:11:08).
- Danika attacked you with a Fist and missed! (2023-06-21 22:11:10).
- (2 times) Danika attacked you with a Fist and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-21 22:11:12).
- Danika attacked you with a Fist and missed! (2023-06-21 22:11:14).
- Danika attacked you with a Fist and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-21 22:11:15).
- Danika attacked you with a Fist and missed! (2023-06-21 22:11:18).
No, stop.
(4 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and missed! (2023-06-20 08:51:15).
- (4 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-20 08:51:18).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and missed! (2023-06-20 08:51:19).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-20 08:51:20).
- (4 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and missed! (2023-06-20 08:51:23).
- Micro Syndermata attacked the area with a(n) Concussion Grenade. You were caught in the attack but managed to avoid injury. 1 characters and/or pets were affected by this attack. (2023-06-20 08:51:26).
You too with the grenades?
- Micro Syndermata gave you a(n) Newspaper. (2023-06-15 19:11:34).
- (5 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and missed! (2023-06-15 19:11:39).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:11:39).
- (2 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and missed! (2023-06-15 19:11:41).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:11:42).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and missed! (2023-06-15 19:11:42).
- (2 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:11:44).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and missed! (2023-06-15 19:11:45).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:11:46).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Haymaker and missed! (2023-06-15 19:11:46).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and missed! (2023-06-15 19:11:49).
- Micro Syndermata gave you a(n) Sword. (2023-06-15 19:11:56).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and missed! (2023-06-15 19:11:58).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:11:59).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and missed! (2023-06-15 19:11:59).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:12:01).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and missed! (2023-06-15 19:12:02).
- (2 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:12:03).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and missed! (2023-06-15 19:12:04).
- (8 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:12:09).
- (2 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and missed! (2023-06-15 19:12:10).
- (2 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and hit for 1 points of impact damage. (2023-06-15 19:12:11).
- (2 times) Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and missed! (2023-06-15 19:12:13).
- Micro Syndermata attacked you with a Kick and missed! (2023-06-15 19:20:26).
Guys, please. This is not productive.
- Imari said, "naze" (2023-06-16 00:30:46).
- You say, "Want to repair my swords. Free xp." (2023-06-16 00:31:09).
- You say, "Maybe your selflessness will turn this black bird's heart towards good." (2023-06-16 00:31:22).
- Micro Syndermata said, "it’s a trap, don’t do it" (2023-06-16 00:31:54).
- Micro Syndermata said, "you’ll spend 10 ap for nothing" (2023-06-16 00:32:10).
- Imari said, "Aaah! Hitogoroshi!" (2023-06-16 00:32:38).
- You say, "Go away!" (2023-06-16 00:32:41).
- You say, "Buy repair item for me!" (2023-06-16 00:32:57).
- Imari said, "Wakaranai" (2023-06-16 00:33:55).
- a wind-up cat said, "meow" (2023-06-16 00:40:56).
Stop interrupting my diplomacy!!

Rubbish Smuggler.png
Rubbish Smuggler.png (41.42 KiB) Viewed 17197 times
This is not what I ordered.

Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 4:10 pm
by Wassail
Historical tally list up to T3. The Tally list is now closed. Thank you all arena players for participating.

The Return - IIIII III
Mori N - IIIII I
Rakhasesh - IIIII III
Eleni - II
Micro S - II
Lesera - II
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - IIII
Azazel S - IIII
Danika - IIIII
Remiel - IIII
William B - II
Valkyr - II
Ferric F - II
Relicbehr - III
Chimpanzee S - I
Fjorgyn - I
Imari - IIII
Ina V - IIII
Duncan I - IIIII
Spartacus - II
Vyra - I
Baby B - I

A NEW challenger!

Song V
Dark M
Trent R

COLD cases!


Free Will Solidarity & Low Mortal XP benevolence enjoyers

Chessquiri O

Exempt List

<3 Eithnee <3
Hotaru T (by request)
Snegurochka (civilian) (doesn't count)

In Total -

33 Good (37.5%),
14 Evil (15.9%),
34 Free Willy (38.6%),
7 unknown/unaffed/defuser-squad (7.9%),


Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 4:11 pm
by Wassail
MVPequipment -

One (1) pristine military encounter armor, dodge (10)
UNPARALLELED arcane shoppe commissioned MASTERPIECE
Roughly 625x the weight of an actual Junco.
Smells like a pine air freshener. (Birds don't sweat). But also bird poop.

Junco death #1 :(

88 AP to gain ~55 XP you absolute FOOLS
10.5 dodges from defense enchant #probability
158 damage soaked.

Junco death #2 :( :(

64 AP for ~62 XP you should just have brought in 100 newspapers if you wanted to do this seriously do none of you care about efficiency
7.68 dodges from defense enchant #maths
100 damage soaked
Thanks to cat for healing me for 3 hp. Its the thought that counts.

Junco death #3 :( :( :(

I got tired of summing. Also Squib hide-smited me at the end which is a party foul. Squib if you're reading this I have my eye on you also call me good is cheating.

Junco death #4 :( :( :( :(

Tred of summing. Also I took my armor off at the end. Why? None of your business. #fratricide

Testimonials -
- Remiel said, "Hardly seems fair, a bird wearing armor. Ah, well. Catch you next time, feathered friend!" (2023-06-21 05:37:46).
- Valkyr said, "Chirpeh" (2023-06-22 14:10:56).
- Valkyr attacked you with a Sword and hit for 2 points of slashing damage. (2023-06-22 14:10:58).
- Valkyr said, "..." (2023-06-22 14:11:02).
- Valkyr said, "No chirpeh" (2023-06-22 14:11:08).
- Neon Knight said, "Oh you with your fancy armor! Makes everything I have USELESS!" (2023-06-22 15:54:18).
- Lesera whispered to you, saying "The bird is awful tanky, well done. You will be a worthy competitor." (2023-06-20 12:29:59).
- Eleni attacked you with a Sword and hit for 2 points of slashing damage. (2023-06-15 16:03:14).
- Eleni attacked you with a Sword and missed! (2023-06-15 16:04:14).
- Eleni said, "O_O" (2023-06-15 16:04:32).
- Eleni said, "...Well SOMEONE needs to knock you out of your old Revenant aspect, don't you think?" (2023-06-15 16:04:57).
- Eleni said, "Or maybe I'll just use you to break my weapons on, since apparently that happens even on a miss?" (2023-06-15 16:07:42).
- Eleni said, "Is that a glitch, actually? I can't imagine any reason for a melee weapon getting duller when all it hits is air." (2023-06-15 16:08:17).

- Eleni said, "Yep, that's both of them. Okay, I'm off to the factory." (2023-06-15 16:09:59).
In conclusion -

Not a single quality degrade ! (!!)
Untold countless INFERIOR weapons broken.
If you see me you DON'T HAVE TO kill me. You can leave!

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Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 7:47 pm
by lunalu
Troll mate? rude. I'm the reason you level up so quickly
- Dark-Eyed Junco attacked you with a Length of Chain and hit for 5 points of impact damage. This was enough to kill you! (2023-06-16 00:20:43).
- Dark-Eyed Junco attacked you with a Sword and hit for 11 points of slashing damage. She was hiding! This was enough to kill you! (2023-06-19 20:03:40).
- Dark-Eyed Junco attacked you with a Sword and hit for 15 points of slashing damage. He was hiding! (2023-06-23 20:22:17).
- Dark-Eyed Junco attacked you with a Sword and hit for 20 points of arcane damage. He was hiding! This attack was charged with arcane power! This attack sapped 4 MP from you! This was enough to kill you! (2023-06-23 23:07:42).

WAAAHHHHH such murderous intent!

Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:23 pm
by Karlito
pssst... you actually can fratricide your teammates on team good. Don't believe the lies.

Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:08 am
by NearNihil
Karlito wrote: Sat Jun 24, 2023 8:23 pm pssst... you actually can fratricide your teammates on team good. Don't believe the lies.
We'll even heal you back up after you fight club your way to near death! Also we have cookies!

Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2023 2:31 pm
by Wassail
Wow if you're going to join good at least have the courage of your convictions imo. Tsubasa join Free Will and let's scour the arena of these fake goods.

Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:15 pm
by Wassail
Roster and tallies updated.

Re: Arena: Join free will :)

Posted: Sun Jul 02, 2023 5:47 am
by NearNihil
Don't worry, Ina will be getting even with you soon.