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The Adventures of Captain Planet and the Planetoideers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 1:38 am
by Karlito
Impact! Fire! Electric! Cold! And Shotgun! By these powers combined, Captain Planet is here to rid the Nexus of evil pollution!

Heya kids! Planetoideer Ishild here with some important messages for all you junior Planetoideers out there. You know Pheasant Hills? That picturesque northern neighborhood nestled in the forest with both a bakery and a gunsmithing table? Wow! Well, if you were to visit it recently, you might have noticed it's gotten even better. That's right, the oppressive grip of a filthy warlord from hell is nowhere to be seen! Magic eight ball says try again never, demons! That's the power of individual action, Planetoideers. Maybe look around your own neighborhood and see what you can clean up. You might be surprised at what a difference you can make.

Next up, we have an important PSA-
- A Cow jumping over the moon said, "mooo"
- A Cow jumping over the moon glares at you
- A Cow jumping over the moon wants you to know that it is 100% organic, and against pollution.
- A Cow jumping over the moon also wants you to know, that the "forces of good" are actually in league with big corporations, and make deals that contribute to the pollution and destruction of the natural world.
- A Cow jumping over the moon said, "moooo".
- A Cow jumping over the moon is made very sad by you supporting capitalism and profits, over the flora and fauna of this world.
Heya Planetoideers, it's important to be on the lookout for Polluter Propaganda and Greenwashing Scams, like the one we see here. Just because someone says they're on the side of good infusion and against pollution doesn't mean they really are. If you aren't sure whether messaging is being real or deceptive, be sure to check the alignment of the one saying it. Remember, "Evil is never Environmental".

Well, that's all for today everybody. Until next time, this is Planetoideer Ishild, signing out.

Captain Planet's tip of the day: Always try to reuse or recycle the corpses of your enemies. Ask your local lich for help.

Re: The Adventures of Captain Planet and the Planetoideers

Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2022 1:57 am
by Thenixon
In typical Captain Planet -fashion, the hero himself was paralyzed with powerlessness against this particular scourge, but his capable and dedicated assistant did the deed!

Meanwhile somewhere in a far off plane:
capplanet.JPG (33.38 KiB) Viewed 10535 times
a strenuous battle is raging between the Captain and his uh...bottle recycling problem. Please help him Planetoideers! Get the Cap back on track!

Re: The Adventures of Captain Planet and the Planetoideers

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2022 2:42 pm
by Jelly_m00n
YAR I be calling to these land lubbing planetoideers to request them to keep their filthy potions and poor excuse for hygiene out of our Gardens. Us pirates live on a ship and the gardens are the one sacred place we have cultivated into a beautiful garden. Stop polluting our lakes with botched wizardry and so called "holy championing". You already ruined our forests.

Re: The Adventures of Captain Planet and the Planetoideers

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 7:28 am
by Alkasyn
Good to see there are people who care.

- Nikolett of the MFD

Re: The Adventures of Captain Planet and the Planetoideers

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2022 2:59 pm
by Yukari
Tem Shop respectfully requests the Planetoideers stop infusing Chaplin Gardens, lest Temmie be forced to move back to Stygia.


Re: The Adventures of Captain Planet and the Planetoideers

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:52 pm
by Thenixon
Unfortunately, reasoning with a literal force of nature is fraught with trouble.


Fortunately the good Captain's compulsive pollution-fighting begins more or less wherever he finds himself summoned. If you find him someplace inconvenient, maybe try, idk, some bugs or something?