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Doom blight not counting as debuff

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 5:56 pm
by Tadpole
Doom blight, which is applied when unsettling aura is up, doesn't appear to be counting as a debuff for the grind.

Doomblight text for reference:
Status Effect Tag: Doomblight
Duration: 5 Status Ticks
Stackable: Yes. Can have multiple instances of this effect active.
Effect: Each instance of this effect inflicts a -5% attack penalty and a -5% defense penalty. Multiple instances of the status will have stacking effects.
Notes: This Status Effect comes from a Doom Howler scoring a hit on a character while under the influence of an active Unsettling Aura.

Re: Doom blight not counting as debuff

Posted: Thu May 04, 2023 8:36 pm
by Kandarin
There's a pending fix for this in the next patch.