Respawned at at 15, 5 in Elysium and as happens I am surrounded by barricades and unable to move, but this time I have no option to even try and smash my way out. No attack options appear at all but for some reason the remove hp from a barricade button does appear but only when I am looking at the map tab. Clicking it just tells me "You lack the skill to build functional barricades!" because I do lack the skill.
Lucky if I stand around outside someone will swing by and kill me quick and as Fallen I didn't use a chunk of AP to be stuck here
Another one today but slightly different. Respawned surrounded by barricades but can only attack the one to the east this time, which leads to another fully barricaded square anyway so is not the one I want to be smashing. The option to remove barricades is there with all the directions available, but I can't use it as I have no structural engineering.
Could you definitely not move West? The fact that barricades are directional isn't well visually indicated so very easy to miss. Diagonals are also a bit screwy when the diagonally adjacent square is barricaded.