The "(Level 0)" faction bug was already reported here.
The 0 members bug, however, I believe is new.
oath2order wrote: ↑Sat Dec 04, 2021 2:27 am
And on the Edit Faction page, it lists ny faction, Golden Bold, as having 0 members. We very definitely do not.
oath2order wrote: ↑Sat Dec 04, 2021 2:27 am
So on the Faction Politics page, there's numerous listings of Level 0 factions.
And on the Edit Faction page, it lists ny faction, Golden Bold, as having 0 members. We very definitely do not.
I'm pretty sure the faction politics page one has been fixed in an update this week and the incorrect member total on the edit faction one now has a fix pending for the next game update, thank you for reporting!