Game Updates - 2023 February 22

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Game Updates - 2023 February 22

Post by Kandarin »

Game Mechanics
  • Glyphs of Protection will now ward off the movement of wandering Pets of the morality being warded against. Boss pets such as the Celestial Titan are not impacted by this.
    • Combination Attack does no longer decay on a missed attack.
    • Critical Strike has been removed. Its cost has been refunded.
    • Meditation has been removed. Its cost has been refunded.
    • Improved Combinations has had its price increased to 40CP. The skill has been refunded.
    • Combination Adept has had its price reduced to 20CP. The price difference has been refunded.
    • New Skill: Perfect Combinations (20 CP)
      25% chance to trigger Combination Attack twice, dealing bonus damage and further advancing your Combo meter.
    • New Skill: Healthy Body (20 CP)
      Gain 10 HP.
      Mundane healing actions on yourself heal for an additional 5 HP.
      Food heals for an additional 2 HP, alcohol heals for an additional 1 HP.
    • New Skill: Field Supplies (40 CP)
      Gain 20 Inventory space.
      Your mundane healing actions heal for an additional 5 HP.
      Gain the Field Aid skill, acting like Surgery, for 3 AP and 3 MP, and can be performed on yourself.
Quality of Life and Interface
  • The tile description pane has been split into two: tile description & tile occupants.
  • The display for characters on the tile has been overhauled, and should mostly match the improved Nexus Tweaks UI.
  • Characters without Psychometry can now turn off infusion display on the map, same way characters with Psychometry already can.
  • Map infusion display has been modified to stand out more.
  • An Advocate's stored blessings are now listed last-to-first in the Forfeit Blessing menu, making it easier to forfeit the last blessing received.
  • Characters with Rank J (the highest rank) are now told that they are maxxed out in the XP display instead of "-1 needed".
  • New sprites
Major Bugs
  • Corrected an issue which began in Dec 2022 which caused character imports to report a valid request but fail to import anything
    !IMPORTANT! wrote: - If you or someone you know had this happen but nothing was actually imported, please reach out to an admin so that your request can be validated and then corrected for actual import, we apologize for any inconvenience.
  • Revenants in Bat form should now be able to bite flying characters.
  • Fixed a bug that made Holy Transfer only work on targets that knew the transferred spell and fail otherwise.
  • Faunabond should now work as intended.
  • Fixed an issue where Enhanced Senses functionally worked like the old "see people automatically on the map" version. We have other future plans to rebalance this.
Minor Bugs
  • Petitioning a a blessing through a relic no longer gives an occasional blank screen.
  • Arcane Sink no longer affects caster and factionmates when other non-faction area effects exist at the same location.
  • Whip of Torment is now available in the attack weapons dropdown when the character has 2 MP or more, and Whip of Anguish with 3 MP or more (was at 4 MP or more).
  • Angel Hunter messages for invisibility dispelling now clarify that it is an evil wave of wickedness that dispels your invisibility, previously this was a copy of the Demon Tracker wave-of-goodness message.
  • The setting to block damage and kill stat accumulation now blocks Transcend Kills.
  • Soul Shards generated by Pact users bargaining for Planar Protection in Stygia now appear as wandering ownerless pets in Stygia loyal to the Legions of the Abyss if the Pact-maker Dark Oppressor is dead at the time.
  • Way of Earth should now stack correctly with the Transcended soak for being in a Magos Tower.
  • Fallen and Redeemed NPCs should not revert to their original T2 classes.
Katerina Hasheen - Necromancer Advocate, champion of a better Hashaa
Serena Hasheen - Sword Revenant, Freedom Array booster
Isabel Hasheen - Gunwizard Councillor, infusion's #1 fan
Kandarin - Unformed potential, Crusader, fontnet architect
Erduhr-Khazai - Fire-breathing Dragon DO, Evil Overlord, pillager of planes
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