Patch Notes - 2024 January 14

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Patch Notes - 2024 January 14

Post by Kandarin »

Game Mechanics
  • The Garden of Elysium has been reworked. In short, the bonuses are easier to keep up (and remove) if the appropriate pet types are donated, there are new bonuses, and the Titan now only appears when all other bonuses are active. Long version:

    The maximum amount of points that can be put into any one EP's army has been lowered from 6000 to 3000.

    Aethersprites count for twice the number of points when donated to Alonai, so 20 instead of 10 per.
    • Grace of Alonai: now has a 100 point minimum, but is otherwise unchanged.
    • Sheltering Fold: now has a 200 point minimum, improves hide chance by 10% instead of 15%, though hide chances are still 15% better than normal for LSes that donated to the Garden.
    • Welcoming Hearth: now has a 500 point minimum, but is otherwise unchanged.
    • Protective Bastion: now has a 1000 point minimum, and also gives LSes 1 point of additional soak outside of Elysium.
    • New: Planar Consecration: 2000 point minimum, reduces the effectiveness of Desecrating corpses (or kills) by one stage in Elysium.
    Judgemasters and Foo Lions count for twice the number of points when donated to Baraas, so 40 and 30 instead of 20 and 15, respectively.
    • The Enduring City: now has a 100 point minimum, but is otherwise unchanged.
    • Bounty of Baraas: now has a 200 point minimum, and search chance for everyone in Elysium went from 15->10%, except for LSes that donated to the Garden, who keep the 15%.
    • Way Through the Skies: now has a 500 point minimum, but is unchanged apart from a slight cost increase (3 -> 5mp).
    • The Narrow Gate: now has a 1000 point minimum, and you can choose which neighborhood to travel to. Costs 2 AP and 10 MP to use.
    • New: Pilgrimage: 2000 point minimum, reduces all portal costs into, out of, and through Elysium by 1 AP (minimum of 1) and 3 MP (also minimum of 3) for all Angels. This includes wormholes and bending Conduit ones.
    Wheels of Righteousness count for twice the number of points when donated to Namm, so 60 instead of 30 per.
    • Removed: Guardian of the Realm - see below.
    • New: Holy Instruments: 100 point minimum, grants all Angels +10% Hide and Search changes while they're in Elysium.
    • New: Namm's Guidance: 200 point minimum, grants all Angels +5% to-hit chance against targets with non-Good MO while in Elysium.
    • Judgement of Namm: now has a 500 point minimum, but is otherwise unchanged.
    • Marble Hosts: now has a 1000 point minimum, but is otherwise unchanged.
    • Seekers of Justice: now has a 2000 point minimum, but is otherwise unchanged.
    Celestial Titan
    When all other bonuses are active, the Celestial Titan spawns. This works as before: even if the bonuses dip below the threshold, it'll keep chugging until killed. No changes have been made to its stats or behavior.

    Values for existing donated pets have been converted to the new ones, but this did not take into account the lowered upper limit of them. LSes won't be able to donate new pets until the strength of a given EP is below the cap.
Quality of Life and Interface
  • Crabs in Centrum now respect doors, and won't* move inside when the door is closed or locked. They don't care about glyphs though.
    * There's still a tiny chance, because crabs just find a way sometimes. But it is better to close the door than not to.
  • Similarly, Elysium wandering pets respect doors as well, though they will never phase through a door.
Major Bugs
  • Fixed a bug that allowed multiple level-ups and allowed levelling past 30.
  • Fixed DOs being unable to pledge vassals, and their max number of vassals being wonky.
  • Fixed Fallen being set to max HP when they had a Thol boon going.
  • Miniboss pets move once more.
  • Garden of Elysium pets once again group up into squads. However, because of the aforementioned rework, squads may end up smaller than before.
  • Wandering non-boss pets now respect Glyphs of Protection versus their alignment. In particular this affects Garden of Elysium donated pets.
  • Pact spells can be used without issue now.
Minor Bugs
  • Secret Ingredient made you think you could put Glyphs into food, but that's not the case - only aura and buff spells can be. Removed all spells that don't fit the criteria from the dropdown.
  • Sometimes minibosses wouldn't spawn when they were due (usually when the server is under heavy stress). This has been corrected.
  • Elementalists will once more regenerate HP when standing on a font.
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