Patch Notes - 2022 March 22

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Patch Notes - 2022 March 22

Post by Kandarin »

Quality of Life and Interface
* Added purchase next character slot button with cost of next character purchase as long as user has a positive non-zero number of credits.
* When a character assisted by the Blessings of an Offense-focused Advocate kills a character in battle, the Advocate is notified that their Blessings have helped.

Major Bugs:
* Corrected an issue where Foo Lion glyphs stacked in instances of glyphs instead of duration of glyph.
* Crystal Guardians now summon in as Aggressive to Hostiles. If you summon one it's probably because you wanted it to do stuff.
* Claim Dominion interacts properly with active infusion now.
* Fixed an issue where activating Archon Words didn't disable others even without Celestial Chorus.
* Recent Myrmidon Combination Attack damage total changes have been applied to attacks on wards, barricades and other inanimate targets.
* Electrified Blade no longer appears to grant a direct passive damage bonus that it isn't actually supposed to have.
* Hotfix-corrected an issue where the AP tick was experiencing errors.

Minor Bugs:
* Ivory Guardians now appear on a more Elysium-specific pet stance that should constrain them more effectively against attacking Good characters.
* Call Demons can now be used to spend AP into negatives, if you're comfortable being summoned by a demon to Tholaghru-knows-where.
* Arcane Marksman attacks benefit from any damage-type-specific damage bonuses the Wizard may have.
* Fixed an issue where using a Blessing via a Relic sometimes caused an error that ate the blessing.
Katerina Hasheen - Necromancer Advocate, champion of a better Hashaa
Serena Hasheen - Sword Revenant, Freedom Array booster
Isabel Hasheen - Gunwizard Councillor, infusion's #1 fan
Kandarin - Unformed potential, Crusader, fontnet architect
Erduhr-Khazai - Fire-breathing Dragon DO, Evil Overlord, pillager of planes
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