Return Stygian fury damage to previous and buff EM

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Return Stygian fury damage to previous and buff EM

Post by Stretch »

When pariahs with Stygian fury (but not explosive
Murder) exploded, they were doing up to 30 damage per char. This was recently brought up and patched out so that now they will max out at half that, per the wiki.

I recommend that we revert the change since the results of the inadvertent higher damage added flavor to the game and did not unbalance things. I also recommend a slight buff to explosive murder damage to compensate. EM somewhat underwhelming as it is in any case, and good has bountiful healing for when people don’t die from it.

This way, good gets more healing, evil gets more exploding, and people generally have more interesting interactions.

For reference the note in the recent patch regarding this skill is “Fixed an issue where Stygian Fury wasn't doing the intended amount of damage”.
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