Leftover active status effect from previous Rev endgame bonus

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Leftover active status effect from previous Rev endgame bonus

Post by Leila »

My Revenant chomped on a tasty Archon to receive the Revelation of Maeval effect Hasheen Vengeance, then activated Word of the Grave.

Later, she decided to take a bite out of a yummy Holy Champion to receive Aspect of the Netherworld instead. However, Word of the Grave remained active and applied the appropriate damage bonus even with the Netherworld aspect turned on, and I still had a dropdown menu for Divine Words.

Using this menu to manually turn off Word of the Grave did end the effect (and caused the dropdown to disappear), but if I hadn't done that, I would have basically had two endgame bonuses.
"They could do nothing individually. So they went mad, en masse."
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