Adaptation and supplemental damage

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Adaptation and supplemental damage

Post by Thenixon »

I'm not 100% certain this is a bug, but the way things work around resistance/immunity and supplemental damage seems a bit counterintuitive. This may be a particular case of a wider phenomenon but here is the one I've observed:
A corruptor ( clash.php?op=character&id=528 ), with tainted wings doing 13 unholy and loaded with a spell doing 13 impact, attacks a Nexus Champ with (Resistance and) Adaptation ( clash.php?op=character&id=10916 ).

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- You attack Nightwielder with your Tainted Wings and hit for 20 points of unholy damage. Her armor soaked 1 points of damage. The attack also delivers a Earth Wail spell attack, dealing 10 points of impact damage! You gain 30 XP. (2022-03-25 13:41:36).
- You say, "Wonder what you are adapted to..." (2022-03-25 13:41:56).
- You attack Nightwielder with your Tainted Wings and hit for 0 points of unholy damage. Her armor soaked 13 points of damage. The attack also delivers a Earth Wail spell attack, dealing 10 points of impact damage! You gain 10 XP. (2022-03-25 13:42:01).
- You attack Nightwielder with your Tainted Wings and hit for 12 points of unholy damage. Her armor soaked 1 points of damage. The attack also delivers a Earth Wail spell attack, dealing 0 points of impact damage! You gain 12 XP. (2022-03-25 13:42:10). 
First hit was actually from hiding, so it started at 21 Unholy 13 impact. Resistance reduced the impact to 10 dmg, and reduced Unholy soak by 3, so unholy did 20 dmg, for a total of 30. So far so good. Target is now adapted to Unholy.

Second hit does 0 unholy, 10 Impact. Still good I believe, no unholy due to Adapted, and impact takes the usual 3 soak from Tattoo of Resistance.

Third hit things are not as good. Adapted to Impact now. Attack does 12 Unholy even though Resistance has 4 unholy soak. The unholy soak was reduced by soaked supplemental even though the target was immune to that type.

I'm not in a position to test this but it seems like the supplemental soak check is ignoring resistance/immunity.

So aside from this particular, I could imagine for example, reducing an IB's armor using fire supplemental which ought to only tickle, grinding down an advocate with supplemental unholy from any ol' demonic boon, or hitting a tanky Water HC harder with impact supplement.
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